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Okay so here's thy sequel! Gawd I took so long to post dis hehe

Le Sequel

"There are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause trouble without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood... and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them... because in truth, I am that monster."

- L, Death Note Rewrite

You groaned and rolled over in your bed, reaching blindly for the electronic that rang loudly in your ears and woke you from your

much needed sleep. Lightly you reached about along your night stand, knocking over a few items till you were able to grip the electronic you desired. You placed the phone

to your ear and blinked your tired ____ colored eyes open.

"Hello?" you practically groaned

into the phone, causing the synthetic voice on the other end to chuckle a bit. You rubbed your eyes and slowly sat up in your bed, you would usually be mad at anyone who woke you up so early in the morning with a phone

call, but since it was Near you wouldn't yell at him... just yet.

"What is it Near?" you asked tiredly and flipped the lamp that sat on your night stand on, you shut your eyes quickly due to the bright light. You could hear the boy turn one of his toy trains on because 'choo choo' could be heard through the line.

"You have heard about Yagami Sayu's death, yes?" he asked, you could practically picture the boy

twirling a strand of his hair while he spoke to you. You frowned. 'How could I not know about it? It has been all over the radio, newspapers, and televisions' you thought.

"Yes I have, Jack the Ripper died of a heart attack," you replied easily and stood from your bed, getting restless. As much as you liked the albino boy, you knew that he doesn't call to

just chat and that there was a reason for the call.

"Indeed, she died of a heart attack, but we were careful to leave one detail out of all the media. On the wall in her cell, written in her own blood was 'This is not the end L.'," Near informed you while twirling a strand of his white hair. He peered down at this toy train as it traveled in a circle around him, a bell sound

echoed through the air around him from the train. Once the train went all the way around the circle again, he reached over and shut the toy off before lifting it into the air.

"When she wrote this she could have meant that: One-Means that there will be more criminals working against me, Two- She was working

for someone and that person or her boss will continue his plans, Three- She just wanted to confuse me and leave one last thing before she died, Four- She was still unstable and

didn't write this consciously and just still had a large grudge on me," Near explained. He raised the toy train higher in the air and moved it about as if it was flying before making it crash into his tower of tarot cards,

sending the cards flying across the room

You considered this before responding to what he said. "No, I will not be taking a case because no big cases have turned up since

the Ripper's death and none of the current crimes seem to have any connection to Yagami Sayu," He answered and set the train down on top of the cards. Near continued to

twirl a stand of his hair and he reached over to his pile of cards and picked one up, flipping it around so that he could see the image. 'Death'

the card read, the death card isn't necessarily bad but Near always seemed to draw this card when messing with the deck.

"Are you worried something big will happen?" ___ asked. Near paused, no longer twirling his hair but now just staring at the card. There was a long

silence before Near finally answered.

"No, there is no proof or reason for us to believe that anything will happen-.. Sayu was unstable," he informed you. Near set the card down and instead picked up a two toy robots

with the voice synthesizer tucked between his cheek and shoulder. He crashed the two robots together for a couple moments.

"I get quite bored without any current cases even though I have so many toys..." Near started in his usual monotone, but synthetic voice. He

glanced around the toy room with his grey eyes.

"I rented the movie ___ (movie) .. I know you like it and I've never seen it before, so maybe I can come over?" the detective suggested with a hint of shyness despite his distorted voice. It was so odd for Near, the antisocial boy he is, to offer to spend time with

you. Usually it is the other way around, you are forcing him to go out with you to places rather than locking himself away in his house

or the office, depending on where he was staying. The boy blinked when you laughed into your phone and he tugged on a strand of his hair rather than twirling it. Near had never

permitted you to come to his house so he had always been going to your house.

Despite the emotionless façade he seemed to put on, you were very slowly pushing your way closer to him and getting to figure him out more. The one emotion you could always distinguish in his eyes at the moment is worry, which he almost always seemed to worry about one thing or another. You couldn't blame him though; he is a detective and is

always on a look on for cases and watching the news, trying to make a difference in the world. He wanted to make a big impact on the world like L had, even though he technically has taken the title of 'L' now since the original L died during the Kira case.

"Is that a date?" you teased, not able to hold back a smile and cheer up a bit despite the fact that he had waken you at practically three in the morning. Now instead of pacing

worriedly like you had been doing moments ago, you sat down on your bed.

"A date?" Near asked questionably, confused to say the least. You blinked your ___ colored eyes and shook your head with a grin.

"Never mind Nate, when would you like to come over?" you replied and lay back on your bed. You glanced towards the clock when he stated a time, he was simply giving you an hour to prepare.

You can now use your imagination on your date XD

Ripper Game - NearXReader (Death Note Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now