Christmas Dinner

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Christmas to me is just another day in the year. I mean, I do get presents and I also give presents. I give to the homeless and sometimes when I'm feeling really good I'll go work at a homeless shelter. But not this year.

This year I have to be at home and I have to be my sharpest and evilest. Just because it's Christmas doesn't mean my scheming will take a break. It'll never take a break. I woke up early with my family and open gifts and watched my family open up theirs. Once we were done it was time to clean and get dressed.

Once I was fully bathed and looking my best it was around 2, which meant that they'll be here in no time. With a flip of my hair and a kiss to my reflection in the mirror, someone rung the doorbell. It was them.

I opened the door to see Hazel, Ariana, Erin, and Eiden smiling at me. "Well come on in and welcome." I moved out of the way so they could enter my fairly big house. Who am I kidding, it's huge.

"My favorite Aunts and Niece just came to town so we better get something done today." Ariana informed me as I gave them their gifts. "You got us presents?" Erin asked as she stared at the box in disbelief.

"I did. I'm not completely heartless." They all laughed at my sarcasm as they opened their gifts. Once they saw what it was they were confused.

"When the time is right, it'll make sense." They were still pretty confused but when the time is right, like I said it'll all make sense.

"So, shall we get to planning and being evil." Eiden said, pushing the gift to the side. "As a matter of fact we shall." I smiled at them before going up the stairs but was stopped by my mother.

"Wait, Claire and her friends." I stopped walking and turned to face my mother who was standing by the front door. "I invited some more quest and I think it would be rude of you guys to not say hello to them." Knowing my mother it's probably homeless people, with more homeless people.

I forced a smile and waited for her to open the door. Someone knocked on the door and she opened it and I was speechless. My smile dropped and was replaced with a disgusted frown. It was Stacey and her Mom and Dad. Looks like I was right about the homeless people.

"I invited The Russ's to come over and share Christmas dinner with us." I wish my mom knew everything that is going on in my life that involves that bitch, but she's my mom and she can't know everything.

"Well me and my friends were just going to my room to discuss some important things." I started to walk up the stairs but my mom stopped me again.

"Take Stacey with you. It's kind of rude to exclude her." You have got to be shitting me. How are we suppose to plan with her being around us?! She'll hear everything! I really want to kill myself.

Stacey sent me her evil smile as she bypassed me and up the stairs, leaving us to follow her to my room. "Looks like I wasted my time." Ariana said to me as she bumped me and walked into my room. I rolled my eyes and closed the door once everyone was inside.

"Ew, I hate everything in here." Stacey said as she examined my room. I cleared my throat, letting her know that I heard her and she just smiled. "Kidding, of course!"

"Sure!" I replied back with the same fake tone she just used. I laid down on my bed while everyone else just roamed around my room. How did this bitch know that they would be here? Is she spying on us?

"Ooh Claire." I sat up from my bed and glared at Stacey who was faking like her back hurted. "I'm pregnant so I think I should lay down on your bed." Oh hell no. No one but me gets in this fucking bed.

"I'm being deadass serious right now, I have an issue with people getting in my bed." She started to laugh and stood up and stood in front of me.

"But it's me! Now move." She's so lucky my plan isn't ready right now. I really want to drag this hoe. I slowly stood up and gave her the bed. I watched as she flopped each and every pillow and laid down and closed her eyes.

I walked over to my window to see that some of my family just started to arrive. Great. Now I definitely don't get a break.

"Psst." I turned around to see Eiden nodding towards Stacey. I looked over and saw that she was asleep. Finally. I quietly followed the others out of my room. Once we were all out I quietly closed the door and turned to the others.

"Okay so I was thinking we do the big reveal at prom but until then just fuck around with her." I informed them.

"How?" Ariana asked. I have so many pranks and shit that I wanna pull on her, but it's too many to say out loud. "Well like what we did with Erin we do it with Eiden. And then Hazel, you, and maybe Josh."

"So we go undercover and then what?" Eiden asked. "We fuck with her. You'll make her fall for you and then disappear and then occasionally dress like you did when you went undercover. She'll see and start to go crazy."

"That's pretty genius." Erin said and everyone agreed and I smiled. I'm glad that they're down for my plan.

"So until then?" Hazel asked me.

"We just chill and think of more shit."

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