Stage 2 Of Defeating Evil

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It was a typical Monday evening. I was currently at my locker gathering all of things I would need when someone stalked up to me and closed my locker.

"What the hell?!" I called out and turned around to see a very pissed group of my detention friends. What happened now?

"It's gone too far!" Freddy yelled out. I'm so confused. What happened? "Okay, calm down and talk to me." Freddy just walked over to Ariana and snatched the papers that were in her hand and gave them to me.

The first one was an obvious photoshopped picture of Freddy making out with Eiden. That's so wrong and gross. I went through the rest of the papers and realized that it was just all the same so I gave them back.

"Eiden and Freddy this is so wrong and I'm sorry that this is happening to you two." I said to them and Eiden's face softened. "So I heard that you guys know who's behind all of this." Is he finally coming to his senses? I just nodded my head and he smiled.

"I want in."

"So do I." Eiden chirped and my smile grew wider. "And what about you Hazel?" I asked as Hazel thought about it. "I guess so."


"Stage 2. Attack from within." Everyone smiled at me as I continued. "We're going to act normal towards Stacey, like we're not trying to ruin her life and expose her. And then boom! We end her."

At exactly 10:30 pm there was a knock on my window. I got up from my bed and went over to it and saw everyone waiting on me. I grabbed the bag full of everything we would need and carefully climbed out of the window.

We all got inside of Ariana's car and she drove to Stacey's house. No one is home because she told me that she would be spending the night at her cousins and her parents are god knows where.

We all got out of the car and put our hoods on so if anyone was watching they wouldn't know it was us. They all followed me to her front door and I pulled out the spare key and unlocked the door.

I motioned for Eiden and Josh to come over and once they did I backed up and gave them enough space to do what they have to do. And what is that? Put down wax to make the area around the front door super slippery so she'll trip.

Once they were done I carefully locked the door and we all went back to Ariana's car. Josh set up the camera and we waited for her to come home. Once she came home I went to sleep but a few hours later was awoken by Ariana.

"Okay Erin. Your turn." Erin nodded and got out the car and walked up to her front door. She rung the bell and placed the sheet of paper on her porch and ran and hid and we all ducked down.

The door opened revealing her Dad. He looked at the note and yelled for Stacey. He then walked away and Stacey appeared walking down the stairs in her night gown. And she's about to fall in 5, 4 , 3, 2,...

She walked in the area and picked up the note and read it. She then shrugged her shoulders and closed the door, going back inside. Damn it.

Ariana hit her steering wheel in anger and Erin walked back inside of the car. It didn't fucking work. "Now what?" Josh asked as I stared out the window.

"We reproach this another time and place."


"Hello." I looked up from my phone and fake smiled at a very concerned looking Stacey. Oh dear god! What's wrong with her now? "Should I be worried about that creepy letter that was left outside of my house?" The fact that she's asking me this means that she doesn't suspect that it was me. I'm off the hook.

"No. It was probably nothing." She nodded her head at me and I put my phone away and looked at her. "And if it does happen again it probably won't be that bad." I smiled at her before walking away. Stupid bitch.


Over the course of a week we've been working nonstop to get Stacey to flop. We sent her a fake email from the principal saying that it was swimsuit day and that she had to wear a swimsuit. She did. But it was a one piece and her baby bump was showing.

Since that didn't work we hired a fake doctor to take a look at her baby, but she refused. We tried to get her to drink. Didn't work. Smoke. Still didn't work. Nothing that we planned out worked. I'm all out. When I figured out that she was faking it I didn't think she would be this good.

I'm actually convinced that the only way out is for me to kill my self. Okay, maybe I'm overreacting. She hasn't been that bad. Maybe she'll calm down until we've successfully outed her and her dirty little secret.

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