The Treasures Untold

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Chapter 5: The Treasures Untold

Countless days have passed since Pices went into the mountain. It may seem uneasy but he and Accino could chat all day and could always have anything using spells and the bag of dreams. And when morning comes, they continue their journey for the cure. One day, while searching, Accino shouted, "Pices! Pices! This is it! This is the cure!" Pices ran into Accino. He saw a pedestal with a golden basin filled with a mystical liquid. "Hmm. Let's see here," Pices whispered as he took the book about curses, "Pedestal............ Golden basin........... Strange liquid...... Yes, YES! This is it!" Pices shouted in rejoice. As he took a bottle from his bag, the ground shook. The legendary ogre walked through to guard the liquid. "No, not this ogre again!" Pices said. "Wait, you have met this abomination?" Accino asked. "Yes. And that is the day I also had this curse within me" Pices said as he saw that his torso had became stone. "I'll hold it while you drink that potion for your own good." Accino said as he drew his sword and shield. "Thank you Accino!" Pices said. Accino ran towards the ogre while Pices took his bottle and filled it with the cure. "Can you do it faster? It's hard to keep up with this thing!" Accino said. "Hang on! I'm getting there!" Pices said as the bottle fills itself. After being filled, Pices enchanted the bottle with the help of his magical cape, and drank it. Pices started to fell a lot lighter. "It..... IT IS WORKING!" Pices said as the stone turned into skin. "Great! Now, Please HELP ME!" Accino shouted as he dropped down due to the ogre's attack. "I'm on it!" Pices said as he grabbed a staff from his magical cape. The staff was so big that it is taller than Pices himself. "What is that?" Accino said as he stood up, wielded his sword and attacked the ogre. "A staff that I have not yet used during my battle with the ogre." Pices said. "How come?" Accino asked. "This staff that is passed through my ancestors from a mysterious Being conceals magic that could defeat a legendary entity. I just need a couple of minutes to cast the specific spell to defeat absolutely anything." Pices answered. "Good! for the meantime, I will distract this beast!" Accino said. "Perfect! Just as I needed!" Pices answered. "C⌠A!‡rσ µσΘ" Pices chanted as an orb of power is created at the top of the staff. Pices prepared to throw the magic orb but then, Accino suddenly flew towards him. "I-I..... cannot..... carry..... on...." And with his final words, Accino passed away. "NOOOOOOOO!" Pices shouted. The ogre came closer, but Pices is always ready. He threw the orb into the beast and it died. After what happened, Pices went back into Tempar with the corpse of Accino.

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