Introduction/Chapter One

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                       I waited quietly- along with many other fans- for the show to start. I sat in a full auditorium waiting for the Jacksepticeye tour show to begin, where I would see my hero in the flesh. The guards kept telling everyone that he was coming, and that we needed to be patient. Besides me, sat two girls. Both of them wore a Jacksepticeye t-shirt, except they've cut it to were their nipples almost shown.  Their shorts were the same, their ass almost falling out. At least I dressed normally, just a random t-shirt and skinny jeans.

                Just as I was about to check Instagram, a man ran onto stage. "Fuck me, Daddy Jacky!" The girl screamed next to me. "Shut up!" The whole place went black as the glitchy voice ran out. My heartbeat increased, and my (E/C) eyes widened in fear. The lights turned back on, and the guards that were once standing, laid on the floor. They were breathing, that's a good thing. The man that stood on stage, was Antisepticeye himself, the Alter Ego of Jacksepticeye.  "You all are selfish, and don't even care about what's happening now, as we speak." Anti screamed, "And you!" Anti pointed to the girl next to me, "Your so selfish, you whore." She sunk back into her chair. "Where's Jack?" The girl next to her called. Anti gripped his hair, gritting his teeth, "IF YOU ALL WOULD LISTEN!" The room fell silent as Anti sunk to his knees, faint tears dripping from his black eyes, "He has a broken heart..." A broken heart? Like in fairy tales? True loves kiss and all that crazy stuff. The girl next to me laughed. "I'm not joking! Signe broken his heart!" Anti cried. I felt Anti's eyes connect with mine, "I'll show you." With a snap of his fingers, Jack's body fell onto the couch placed on stage, landing with a quiet thump. I felt tears build within my eyes as I felt the strings on my heart yank with sudden motion. "Signe, has recently broken up with your dear entertainer Jack, and he has fallen unconscious. He thought that she was the one. His True Love. A kiss of True Love can break this mortal spell...but, once again. Love can blind us." Antisepticeye explained, "Love is weakness..." Anti jumped off stage, and waltzed up to my row, "You can help him." The girls next to me squealed in delight as they scrambled their way up the stage steps. Anti bent down to my sitting height, "I meant you, but apparently they thought otherwise." "M-me?" I stuttered, "Why me?" "I feel a strong connection between you and Sean- I mean Jack, for some odd reason. Does he know you?" He asked. I sighed, "I highly doubt it. I'm a nobody." "A nobody is always a somebody to someone. Just, please help him. Help me." Anti's eyes glazed over to a glossy black, sadness the only thing shown. "I'm sorry. But, one of those girls are bound to be his true love, that or someone else in this room." I smiled weakly at him. Anti huffed, pulling his hair lightly as he continued to grab girls he felt Jack had a 'strong connection' with.

     (Play the Song!)

             "Your all WORTHLESS!" Anti screamed. Nothing worked, nobody worked. And Anti was an emotional mess. My whole body shook, my heart ached. Once more, Anti turned to me, "Please. At least try." Even though I was terrified, I stood up and made my way to the stage, Anti helping me up. 

                  Jack looked so peaceful. So calm. I felt my knees collapse, my brain finally figured out that I'm a weight on everyone's shoulders. I might save everyone's hero. Or I might not. The salty streams fell down my face, "Jack." I looked up, sniffing slightly, "You don't deserve this. You don't deserve to have a broken heart. You've saved so many lives. And we might not be able to save yours." With shaky hands, I held the brokenhearted, Irish man's hand, "I'm sorry. A happy person such like you, doesn't deserve such pain." Suddenly, Jack's hand tensed, he squeezed back, his eyebrows scrunched together, his nose twitched. I jumped back, turning to Anti, "What happened?" "He's waking up. Your saving him! Your his true love!" Anti awed, "Kiss him! Kiss him!" "What?! I-I can't." I covered my mouth, "He doesn't-no." "Come on!' Everyone chanted, "Do it for Jack! For us!" Anti placed a hand on my shoulder, "You can do it. I know you can." I quickly wiped my tears, and cupped Jack's face, single tears falling, "I'm sorry i-if I fail you. I'm so, so, sorry." The kiss. Held so much emotion. I felt sparks, fireworks. I didn't want to let go.  Then, Jack leaned up, cupping my face, still holding the kiss. At this, I quickly pulled away, Jack staring at me in amazement. Jack stood up, but was weak from his slumber and Anti had to help him. " saved me." Jack smiled. I nodded slowly, holding myself in shock. Jack stepped closer for embrace, I stepped away, "That's all I did. Nothing more." "What's your name? Please tell me." He asked. "(Y/N) (L/N)." I spoke softly. Jack smiled widely, "Don't you go by the username of (WP/UN) (Wattpad Username.) You use that for everything, right? I've seen some of your art, and I've read some of your stories." "Your lying." I cried, "You don't know I exist." I quickly ran off stage, and out of the building, not even darning to look back.

               I ran my fingers down my art book, some of the ink smudging across the page, or getting on my fingers. It was a neat sketch of Jack and Mark, probably took me a few hours-days maybe- to make. I was supposed to give it to Mark at the signing last year, but I got to scared. I'm such a fucking chicken. Just like today...with Jack. My lips still tingled. Why did I run? How does Jack feel? "He feels pretty confused, and shitty." The glitchy voice spoke. I looked up, and there sat Anti, twiddling his fingers. "You kinda ripped his heart out there, (Y/N)." Anti scoffed, "You want him to be brokenhearted again?" "No. I just. I don't know. I got scared. He doesn't deserve someone like me..." I wiped the tears from my eyes. He gave off a puzzled look, "Why not?" "Jack has been such a happy person his whole life. And he causes so much joy. I haven't done anything but destruction to myself." I closed my eyes, remembering the blood, the way my parents reacted, how my friends took me in. "Why am I here, then?" He asked, catching my view, "I was born out of  sadness. Chaos. No ones perfect, but that doesn't mean you run from your true love-" "That shit doesn't exist. That all fairy tale shit, a bunch of fucking childhood lies." I argued, "They tell you these things so you feel like you can do everything! Like your invincible! But then you grow up, and life fucks you in the ass!" Tears spilled faster, soaking my shirt slightly. "I'm taking you back to Jack." Anti stood up, holding out a hand to me. "Get the fuck away from me." I growled. Then, Anti wrapped his arms around me. I screamed, but not out of fear, not of him at least. I didn't want to see Jack, and go on a emotional roller coaster. Like my last relationship...why me?

                "What did you do to her, Anti?!" Jack screamed. "She wouldn't stop kicking and screaming." Anti shrugged simply, sitting on the white couch across from us. "So you tied her up, and put cloth in her mouth?!" Jack carefully untied me, and removed the cloth from my mouth, "I'm sorry about that (Y/N)." "Where am I?" I asked, folding my arms cross my chest. "This is my house. I'm sorry Anti brought you here." Jack scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Do you want a drink?" "It always starts with the drink, then you think you can control me. Think again, Jack!" I snapped. He put a hand over his heart, "(Y/N), I'm not like that. I swear. It was just a friendly suggestion." "It's because her last boyfriend fucked her up." Anti interrupted. I glared daggers at him. "Anti? What do you mean?" Jack asked, creeping closer to Anti. "She was in a relationship with a guy named Hiro. He left a year ago without a word." Anti smirked at me, covering his heart, "Such heartbreak." Jack turned to me, sorrow written in his soft blue eyes, "Did this really happen? Is that why you pulled away when we were kissing?"  I sighed, some tears threatening to slip, "Hiro....we...I thought that we were going to be together forever. He made me feel like my life was a fairy tale. Like you did, when we kissed." I closed my eyes, letting the tears fall. Jack grabbed my hand, "Life is like a fairy tale. You just have to see it that way. And I'm willing to help you. Help you forget Hiro. Help you be happy." I nodded, softening my features. Jack softly kissed my forehead, and order Anti to take us to my house.

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