.: Chapter Twenty-Two : Hurricane :.

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"So now you have to prepare for a wedding, and now a baby? Along with that, you need to get your powers under control!" Chase sighed. I moved the hair from my face, "You and Jack could work on the small things for the wedding. Flowers, entertainers. Anti-if he's up for it- can teach me some magic. Or at least how to control it. Then! We can go look for dresses. No Jack." Anti nodded agreeing, "Sounds like a plan!" "Well. I wasn't expecting you two here." Jack came from downstairs and wrapped his arms around me, "What brings you here?" "Well. I just came to see what all the drama was about." Chase stuffed his hands into his pockets and shuffled his feet, "Congrats, I guess?" "Thank you Chase." I smiled lightly and leaned onto Jack's chest. "Well! Should we get back to planning?" Anti clapped his hands as a smiled danced onto his lips. "Actually. I've got to go somewhere." I grabbed my purse and slipped on some shoes. Jack gripped my wrist as worry filled his eyes, "What? Where? Are you going to be okay? Do you need help?" "I won't be gone long. Thirty-five minutes tops!" I kisses his cheek.

            "He's really good! A nice cuddler to." The staff member smiled widely at me, and handed me the paper work. "Thank you so much for your help. My fiance and I have been wanting an addition to the household for a while now." "Well. Not to be rude. But, you look to me as if your pregnant." Her face went dark red as she played with the strands of her black hair. I giggled sweetly, "I am. Three months exactly. But, he's always wanted a puppy. He just haven't found the time to get one." "Well. Iris is a good boy. But, you don't have to keep that name, it can always change. He is just a pup, five weeks." I handed her back the finished paper work. "Thanks! I'll go get Iris and some starter puppy supplies."

       I pulled the keys out on the ignition and stared at the sleeping Husky next to me, "Oh boy. I really didn't think this through!" Suddenly, his head popped up and he looked me, yawning quietly. I smiled sweetly, "Aww! He's gonna love you!" Suddenly, there was a knock at my driver window. And there stood Jack. "Is that a dog?!" He muffled voice squealed. I nodded happily. He quickly ran around the car and opened the passenger door, scooping the puppy into his pale arms, "He's so soft!" I grabbed the equipment- which was more than what I thought it was. "Here. Take him, and I'll get this." Jack and I traded and made our way into the house. I shut the front door behind Jack and set the puppy down. The little patter of his paws against the carpeted floor caused Chase to come down in curiosity. Chase covered his mouth with both hands, "Oh my goodness! Who is that?" I sat onto the floor and patted the floor, the puppy charging towards me, "His name is Iris. But, I'm going to let Jack change it if he doesn't like it." "Does he know?" Chase asked, petting the Husky's ears. "He caught me in the car. He's putting away the puppy supplies right now. He seemed really...happy!" Jack quickly ran in and -gently- scooped the puppy into his arms and kissed his forehead, "Imma name you Sam!" "Sean. You can't. You have an eye named that, and apparently that's what we name our baby in the future." I giggled playfully. Jack thought for a little bit. "Hurricane." He said simply. I gave him a confused face, "Hurricane? For a puppy?" "He kinda reminds me of Jackyboi Man. He was sweet, and his hair was always soft. But, one time he had to save someone during a hurricane. They were going to die if it weren't for him." Jack explained and petted Hurricane's ears. I kissed Jack's cheek and wiped the tears that were slowly running down his face, "It's perfect." He chuckled lightly and put Hurricane down, "He must be hungry. I'll go fill his bowl up." At the mention of food, the puppy yipped in excitement, spinning in circles in front of us. We all giggled lightly.

         "Jack." I called, "Dinner's ready!" There was no response. I finished drying my hands with a rag and went into the living. I sighed happily, "There you are..." Jack was cuddled up with Hurricane on the couch. Jack's phone was still in his hand that was hanging over the edge of the couch, about to fall.  I gently took the phone from his hands and was about to place it onto the coffee table when it buzzed. It was a message. I looked over at Jack who was still sleeping soundly, and opened the phone. Before I could read the first message, the phone glitched out and powered itself off. I caught the name Signe. I heard Jack groan and I quickly put the phone onto the coffee table. Hurricane yawned and stretched against Jack's arm. Through slits, Jack smiled at me, "Hello, love." I smiled warmly at him and rubbed his arm, "I made dinner." "You didn't have to do that." He protested. "Well, you were asleep. Someone had to do it." I ruffled his hair. Once again his phone buzzed. He groaned loudly, "She won't stop texting me." "Signe?" I shuffled my feet. He nodded and opened his phone to type a quick reply, "She wants us to get together and have like a double date." "What's wrong with that?" I asked, "It sounds fun." He stared at me in amazement, "Are you serious? That is my ex-" "She was also your friend once. Just because you guys broke up doesn't mean you have to hate her." I explained. "I guess your right. I'll arrange something." Jack sighed in defeat and grabbed his phone. I gently kissed his cheek, "Let's have dinner first. It's getting cold." 

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