.: Chapter Thirty-Nine : Crushing :.

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.: Jack's POV :.
I groaned after Glitch hung up. "So? Where is she?" Chase asked. "With Glitch. Training." I forced through my teeth. Dark narrowed his eyes, "He's using her." "Well no duh!" I shouted. He looked hurt, "Unless you want help, I justest you keep us close. If you want to find Glitch and your girlfriend."
.: One Day - Your POV :.
I let the wind run through my hair as I watched Glitch play with the knife in his hand, sitting in a alleyway. He said he had to meet someone. Who, I don't know. I miss Jack. I suddenly thought. I shook the thought from my head and let out a sigh, "Glitch. It's fucking cold out here, can we go?" "No!" He growled, "He's almost here. When he does get here, I want you to hide. If he sees you, he'll try to take you." I rolled my eyes and rested against the cold, red, bricks. "Well. Look whose here?" Glitch chuckled. Without looking at the person, I ducked behind a bunch of boxes and kept my breathing smooth. "Where's (Y/N)?!" An Irish man screamed. Glitch smirked, "Sean. You know the deal. You can have her, you just have to kill me." Sean?! Glitch his going to kill him! I peeked over the boxes, Glitch already had the knife pressed against Jack's throat. Panic flooded my body as I rushed towards them, pushing power into Glitches body. He stumbled back, eyes wide, "W-What are you d-doing?" "I couldn't let you kill Sean." I cried. Glitches body began to pixelate and drift off, like Anti's. I covered my mouth as I watched the last bit of him float away. "(Y/N)?" Jack's voice trembled. I turned around, "Sean. It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." "You just killed the most powerful person in the world..." He sobbed. "I'm not going to hurt you." I cried, "I promise. Please come here." He backed out of the alleyway and ran away. I felt my heart collapse in pain. I gritted my teeth, "I don't need him anyways." Rain began to poured, falling down my face. I let out a shaky breath, "I'm coming for you, McLoughlin."
.: The Final Day :.
I tightened my grip around Henrick's throat, "Where's is Sean?" He choked, "I-I'm not telling you." I rolled my eyes, letting go, "None of you never do what you need to survive! It's pathetic." "We're a family." He breathed, rubbing his neck, "We have to stick together. You know that." "I don't need family." I growled. Henrick used some strength to lift himself up, but he still had to lean against his filing cabinet. "Your better that this." He warned, "Your not going to get anything out of this." "Either way. I'm going to get what I want." I smiled, "A happy ending." Henrick scoffed, "You had that, but you threw it all away! I'm not going to help you!" I rolled my eyes playfully, "You will, or your dear partner-I mean boyfriend Chase will get it." "How did you know that we were together?" He panicked. "I have my ways." I giggled, "What's your choice, Love?" Recurrently, he told me Sean's location. I patted his cheek, "Thank you, Love." "Just promise me that you won't hurt Chase. Please." He cried. I smirked at him, "No promises."
.: Jack's POV :.
"She's on her way." Henrick cried, "Please keep Chase safe." Chase looked at me with worry, "Is he hurt?" "No. I'm fine, but that doesn't matter. Get somewhere same, away from her. If she finds Jack, she's going to kill everyone in her way." I ran a trembling hand through my hair. Where did I go wrong? She's not like this... "You all go. I'll stay here and hold her back." Dark demanded. "If she does come here, you won't kill her. I love her, and I know we can fix her." I ordered. Dark nodded slowly and pushed us out of the door, "You need to move quickly. She's not that far from here."
.: Dark's POV :.
I sighed loudly, Love. It blinds us all. And Sean has fallen for the wrong one. Though, it's not her fault. She was power hungry. And Glitch fed it. A quiet knock interrupted my thoughts. "Who is it?" I growled. "Dark." A quiet voice quivered, "It's me, (Y/N)." "I'm not letting you in, and Jack is long gone! You missed him-" "I'm not here for him. I'm here for help." She interrupted. Confusion was laced in my brow, "Help? What do you need help with?" "That person...that monster that hurt Henrick. That wasn't me. It was her. Anti's Ex-Lover. She's out to get me because she thinks that I killed Anti." (Y/N) said quickly, "Please get her out of my head! Please! I don't want to be like this anymore!" I opened the door and she collapsed into my arms. "God kid." I muttered, "I've never seen you this weak." I carried her to the couch and gently laid her down, running a hand through her hair. "Please separate us, Dark. I don't want her to make me seem like the bad guy." She mumbled. "I will. But I'll have to leave you alone for a second. All the items are in my study upstairs. Do you think you'll be okay on your own?" She shook her head and stood up, "I'll come with you. If she finds me on my own, she won't hesitate to strike." I wrapped my arms around her and carried her.
"Okay. This will hurt for a second. But you'll be okay." I stated. I carefully took her heart out of her body, it was almost completely black. I sighed, pouring the white liquid onto the beating organ. (Y/N) quietly winced, biting her lip to silence her. The black began to drift away from her heart, showing the bright red it used to be. Color seemed to be restored in her beautiful (E/C) eyes as she looked up at me, "Did it work?" I nodded, "Yes. Your now separated. But, she took all the dark magic, and you took the light magic. But you have to remember. Your powers are temporary. Hers are permanent." Tears ran down her face as she mumbled this li-I mean sentence, "Please. Just kill me. I don't deserve to be here anymore. I've hurt so many." "That wasn't you. It was her." I spoke softly, "And I promised Sean that I wouldn't hurt you." "I scared him." She sobbed, "I can't come back from that." "He still loves you. He knows what your going through. Anti did the same thing to him." I stated. She wiped her tears away and snuggled up into the couch. "Sleep. Your weak and need the energy." I demanded, and pulled a blanket up all the way to her chin. "Thank you, Dark." She mumbled. She drifted quietly to sleep.
     .: Your POV :.
   My eyes slowly opened, the pounding headache coming to my attention. I winced slightly. "Yeah. Your head is going to hurt for a little due to the separation." Dark handed me a warm drink of tea, "But this should help." I smiled lightly at him and took a sip of the warm tea, "Thanks." Dark cleared his throat, folding his palms in his lap, "This thing were dealing with. Do you know what it wants?" "She wants to take us back. To the old life. Back with A-Anti." I quickly wiped my tears, "She's then going to kill everyone I love. Chase, Henrick, Octavia, Hurricane, you...S-Sean." "Why?" He asked. I cleared my throat, "She wants me to hurt like she did when she lost Anti. After that, I'll be alone. And there will be no more Saviors. That's what she wants." "She wants you to hurt." Dark mumbled. I nodded slowly and wiped the tears away again. "Dark!" Someone called. I looked at him in fear, "Who is it?" "Jack." He whispered. The front door opened just as I ran upstairs.

    .: Jack's POV :.

         I heard the pounding of feet leading upstairs, but I didn't see anyone by the time I looked. I pointed to the staircase with my thumb, "Who was that?" "Who was what?" Dark questioned. I smirked, "You didn't hear those footsteps?" He shook his head. I shrugged it off and pulled out my phone, staring at the smiling picture of (Y/N), "Has she came by?" Dark looked at me, stuttering, "Uh, no! I haven't seen her. Maybe you should leave in case she decides to swing by." I suddenly noticed the syringes on his work table, along with a semi-water cup of tea and headache medicine, "Separation spell?" A thud came from upstairs, and an inaudible curse word rang from the bedroom. I looked at Dark, "You separated someone. Who?" I didn't give him time ti answer, I was already on my way upstairs, ignoring the pleases from Dark not to go up. When I opened the door, there was (Y/N) sitting on the floor, covering her ears in pain as the warm tears ran down her cheeks. "Love?" I softly spoke. She looked up at me, "Jack!" She picked herself up and made some distance between us, "Stay away, please. I don't want to hurt you." "You won't. You're okay. Everyone's okay." I replied sweetly. "I didn't mean to hurt Henrick. Well I didn't. It was her, Sean. She wants to hurt you all." She sobbed. I held my arms out to her, "It's okay, Love. Come here." (Y/N) stood up, clearly unstable, and slowly took unsure steps towards me. I pulled her into a hug. She collapsed into my chest and let out all of the sobs she's been holding in. "I thought I lost you." I mumbled. She looked up at me and smiled weakly, "I love you, S-Sean." I smiled at her, pulling her into a deep and romantic kiss. "No!" Someone screamed. I pulled (Y/N) behind my back as the person appeared in front of me. "AntiWiishu..." I muttered. She smirked at her own name, "Oh Jackie! I'm so glad you haven't forgotten me!" I felt (Y/N) shake from behind me. "Now, if you don't mind. I need her." Wiish pointed to (Y/N), "She's going to help me get my dear Anti back!" "You can't get him back that  way. His soul has been terminated." Dark spoke from behind, "The only way to get him back is to ripped the heart he shared with the moral in half, an important item of his, and something he hated most." Wiishu glared at me, "You killed him. You need to hurt like I did." Suddenly, she ripped out Jack's heart from his chest, "And I'm starting with you." Sean grunted and winced as she slowly crushed the heart. "Please stop!" I cried, "I'll help you bring Anti back! Please, don't hurt Sean." She stopped for a second, dropping the heart and beginning to winced at her own pain. Sean weakly grabbed his heart and shoved it back into his chest. "Whose hurting her?" I asked. "I am!" Someone proudly announced. We looked at the door, and Signe Hansen stood there, crushing a completely black heart.

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