.: Chapter Eleven : Held Together :.

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               "Do you need anything? Water? Coffee? Food?" Jack offered. I giggled, "Maybe a change of clothes." Jack ran upstairs into the bedroom. We had just gotten back from Dark's Palace. And we is Jack and I. Chase and Henrick stayed back to clean up the kingdom. Anti was going to rule over it again, and even divide the land up for Chase and Schneeplestein. Jack placed the clothing, which was some sweatpants and a shirt, on my lap. I thanked him and changed. And yes, right there. Sean looked away, a shade of red filling his face. I slipped the shirt on and rubbed my arm, "Sorry. I just really want to lay down, and relax." Jack chuckled lightly, "It's fine. J-Just sit."" Awkward silence filled the air as we sat in on the couch together. "So...What happened while you were there? If you want to talk about that." He offered. I shrugged, "It's just Dark." I felt his eyes glaze my neck, "What's that?" He moved my hair to the side, showing the dark red bruising of hickeys. I closed my eyes tightly, stopping the tears from spilling out my eyes. "Did...did Dark do this?" He asked calmly. I nodded slowly, sniffing quietly. Jack rubbed his thumb over it carefully, "Did he do a-anything else?" I nodded, "He lied when he said I wasn't his toy yet...he punished me, Jack. Cause I wouldn't. I wouldn't-" "Hey, sh. It's okay." He pulled me closely, hugging me tightly.  "C-Can I see?" He asked shyly. I wrapped my fingers around the helm of my shirt, "A-Are you sure?" " You don't have to if your uncomfortable. I-I just want...wanna know." Jack brushed the hair from his eyes, his face serious and calm. I gulped down my fear, pulling off the shirt, not looking into his concerned blue eyes. The love marks spread across my breast, and down to my belly button. He looked at me with care, "Do they hurt?" "Not now. But. They did when h-he did it." I stuttered, tucking some hair behind my ear, "He wasn't very gentle, with me." "Did he r-rape you?" His eyes became glossy, searching my face for an answer. "No, He didn't. That's why he punished me so much. Because I wouldn't let him." I twisted my fingers, messing with my nails and gathering my courage, "Sean. I want you to be gentle with me." He looked up at me in surprise, "A-Are you sure. Me?" I nodded slowly.

                                                                    **OKAY! Lemon Warning!!**

               Jack carefully laid me onto the bed, his body looming above me. His knees were resting next to my thighs, hands propping his body up laid besides my head. His kisses were slow and passionate, his lips soft as silk. His fingertips traced down my side and tickling me slightly. Sean lowered himself and kissed every bruise Dark made on my body. I jerked slightly at his lips, tracing themselves. "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" He whispered. I smiled softly, kissing him back. He pushed me far up onto the bed, my head inches away from the head rest. He deeply kissed my neck-carefully- as I tried to get his shirt off, desperately. He chuckled, and took it off himself, throwing it aside. My hands were pressed against Jack's chest as he kissed me, one hand tugging at the elastic on my sweatpants, and the other caressing my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb pad. And before I knew it, I was in my bra and underwear, Sean in his grey boxers. He looked at me once again, "Are you sure you want to do this?" "We've come this far." I blushed. Sean pulled into a kiss, his hands trembling as he tried to undo my bra clip. I heard the tiny click as it fell off, the straps hanging down on my forearms. I threw it aside,biting my lip at the cold air. He removed both of our bottoms, nodding towards me, "I'll stop if it hurts to much. But, you've got to tell me." He slowly entered me, causing me to whimper sightly. He stopped, focusing on my facial features for a little. I nodded, and he put the rest of his length inside me, a soft grunt and moan escaping our lips. Sean bucked his hips, using a hand to hold up my head and the other to support his body.  I wrapped my legs around his naked torso, quietly moaning as his bent down to kiss my neck again. "F-Faster..." I moaned, my face becoming pure red as I gave him the simple command. He followed. The room felt warmer as we both were patting, moaning loudly. My breath hitched as I climaxed, Jack pulling out to release onto my stomach. He wiped away the liquid with a tissue and threw it away, pulling the covers over me. "Where are you going?" I asked sleepily. "Just putting on some pants, I'm not going far." Sean whispered. He changed into some sweatpants and crawled next to me, pulling my naked body close to him.


    "May I check on her?" Henrick asked, awaking me from my deep sleep. "Let me wake her up first before you start shoving shit down her throat." Sean replied. He entered our bedroom, closing the door behind him, and gave me a t-shirt and some shorts, "Henrick is here to check on you, love." I nodded slowly and changed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Once I was done, Jack called him in. Schneeplestein smiled at me, "Sorry to bother you. I just wanted to see how your doing." Jack watched from at the end of the bed as Henrick did his work, checking my throat, temperature, and heart rate. "Well. Everything seems normal. I'm glad Dark didn't hurt you to bad." Henrick stated, packing his things, "Poor Anti. He's been trying to clean up the place." "I'm sure he'll be a great ruler." I stated, smiling sleepily. "Well. Get some rest. It is quite early. Sorry to bother at such an hour. Sleep well." Henrick smirked at Jack, and exited. Jack stretched and laid next to me, pulling me closely, nestling his face into my neck as we slept.

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