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Death teleports them away "You've beaten her in an interesting way. It was much better seeing her like that than her previous state..." His lips twitch in a smile.

"No one deserves to live like that." Alek frowned. "Who in the world does this to these people?"

"Melophiles." He looks at Alek "He is the father of the seven sins." They appear in a room of darkness. Clocks litter the walls and floor, ticking continuously. "... Wrath, is last." He disappears and a woman with hardly any hair is sitting on the floor with wide twitching eyes. "The clocks... The clocks.... the clocks don't stop!"

Alek approaches slowly. "Miss.." he says softly.

She looks at him sharply and screams "DONT TALK TO ME YOU PATHETIC FILTH!" She tears out another clump of her hair.

Alek raises his eyebrows, quieting. He sat in front of her. "These clocks seem to be bothering you..." he says gently.

"T-they are driving me crazy!" Her eyes flick to every clock and ahe continues to hold her ears "THEY WON'T STOP!!!!"

Alek looks at the dozens of clocks. "Try breathing to the ticking... in for seven, hold until four, out for six..."

She tries but the clocks all tick at different paces. She begins hyperventilating "T-there is too much THERE IS TOO MUCH!" She screams.

"Focus on my voice." He suggests. "Speak back to me, think about something else..."

"I-its not working! They're in my head! The clocks, the clocks, they wont stop! They just don't stop!" She pulls out more hair and screams.

Alek moves closer, pulling her head to his chest and covering her other ear.

Her fingers dig into him and she screams again as the ticking gets louder "S-stop them! S-stop them!!!"

Alek stands, still holding her to him. He clenches his jaw. "Melophiles, you're a monster." He mutters. He looks to the woman, his hands over her ears. "Can you break them?"

"I-ive tried b-but they don't break at my hands!" She screams out and cries, pulling in her hair "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US FATHER!?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!?!" She rages.

"Shh, shh. It's okay." Alek closes his eyes. "Pick one clock, just one." He chooses a clock, doing as he spoke. "Listen to the rhythm of that ONE clock."

"N-no NO I DON'T WANT TICKING! NO MORE! NO MORE!" She shoves away from him and holds the remains of her hair rocking back and forth with wide eyes "Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK!"

Alek taps his foot, attempting to take a clock off of the wall. "Wrath and time.. with time wrath fades." He looks back at Wrath.

As he taps his foot, the clock cracks, and begins breaking. Wrath continues screaming and crying.

Alek noticed and thinks for a moment. He starts doing the breathing he told Wrath to do, sitting in front of her. "One... two... three..." he counts, looking at her.

She screams at him and lashes out at him "SHUT UP! SHUT UP THERE IS TOO MUCH SOUND!!!" She cries and holds her head "T-theres too much ticking..."

He places a hand on the floor in front of her, using his fingers to count instead. He motions for her to breathe with him.

The clock beneath him cracks and wrath rages "TO MUCH TICKING! CLICK CLICK CLICK TICK TOCK TICK!!!"

Alek continues his breathing, a hand lightly placed on Wrath's knee. He kept his eyes on hers, looking into them. He motioned with his other hand as he breathes, up for in and down for out.

She smacks him as hard as she can and shoves him. She screams and stands up, kicking him across the room so he smashes into the clocks, some breaking. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! CLICK CLICK CLICK TICK TOCK TICK TICK TOCK TICK TICK TOCK TICK!!!!"

Alek clenches his jaw, standing back up with a hand where she had kicked him. He continues, knowing she needed to calm down.

She screams and hits him again "PLEASE STOP IT!!!! WHY DO YOU TORTURE ME SO?!?!" She wails and tears out her hair as she tries to break the clocks. But they don't break.

Alek holds his hand to where she hit him. He thinks as if he were Kogan, when Alek was mad. Alek moves forward, hugging her tightly, closing his eyes as he restrained and comforted her.

She kicks him and punches him, beating him "STOP IT! TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK THEY WONT STOP! THEY WONT STOP!!!!" She falls to the ground and begins weakly pounding the ground "They wont.... s-stop......." she cries with rage.

Alek feels a slight soreness and frowns. "What do you need?" He whispered, kneeling next to her, not caring if she would hit him again.

"SILENCE! I NEED SILENCE!!!" She screams and smacks him, tearing out her hair again. "TOO MUCH TICKING!!!!"

Alek steps back his face stinging, he takes a clock in his hands, observing it.

It begins cracking at his touch.

Alek looks at it for a moment then breaks the clock over his knee, turning to the wall and dragging his arm along it, causing the clocks to fall to the floor.

They all shatter and break once hitting the ground. Every clock he steps on breaks as well and they all begin shattering at his touch. Wrath just continues crying and screaming.

Alek breaks the final clock, pounding his heel into its face. He steadied himself, turning back to Wrath. "Oh my heavens..." he whispered, moving back to her side.

Her eyes are wide and she is rocking again, holding to her head. "Tick......... tick...... tick....... tick...." she trembles and tears fill her eyes.
She whimpers "..... I can still hear it...."

Death appears behind Alek.


A/N: Oh this one breaks my heart... Heavens.

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