The Piano

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Alek takes the tray back to the kitchen, afterwards moving into the ballroom with some cleaning supplies.

L: (lol I want Timber to have taken the piano away or something)

A: (Timber plays the piano hun. He isn't going to take it away. He also plays the violin.)

A: (I will torture Alek in other ways. Also torture timber. And ourselves)



Timber is sitting at the piano, his finger stroking the keys slowly. He plays a simple chord and his eyes stare down at it. He slowly begins playing a soft song.
(I found - by Amber run)
He sings to the song, soft and low, almost like a mumble.



Alek walked in, silent. He was about to clean the floors but found himself hypnotized by the music, despite who was playing.

Timber continues and sings to himself, a bit louder, yet barely above usual voice level. He sings with pained emotion and strength, each word flowing from his mouth with power and pain.

Alek stares at him and the piano, unable to look away.

He plays the entire song and when it ends he holds the last notes, his voice stopping. When the music stops, he trembles and softly cries, holding his head with one hand and leaning over the piano with a stifling cry. "Oh Bridgette..."

Alek steps back. His face calm, yet he was confused. He almost pitied the man. He remembers being in Timber's place. He remembers the sadness of his mistakes when he would play his emotions on the ivory keys. He clenches his jaw. Timber was the one who caused this, for both himself and Alek. He deserves no compassion.

Timber stands from the piano and let's a few tears roll down his stone face.

Alek watches. He didn't think Timber would be capable of tears. He swallowed, realizing he was intruding, spying almost. He held the cleaning supplies and ran out the door.

Timber whipped around, hearing someone. He narrows his eyes seeing no one there. He puts his hands behind his back and walks out the room, back to his usual self.

Alek pretends to have been cleaning the floor, his eyes glancing at Timber before looking to the floor.

Timber glares at him as he passes, kicking over the bucket of water. "Clean that up."

"Yes your highness." He says, biting his tongue and re-cleaning what he has already done.

Once he finishes with cleaning up Timber's mess and the ballroom, he scowls at the piano before cleaning off the keys. "My love..." he plays a few keys. "That must have been torture..." he whispers.

Bridgette stands up and walks out of the room, gripping the handkerchief tightly. She holds her head high.

Alek glances around. "I'm sure one song wouldn't hurt..." he whispers, sitting down at the piano bench. A smile comes to his face as he remembers Kogan playing piano with him as a child. His smile softens but stays. "Your favorite..." he muttered before playing a quiet song.

Bridgette hears and her heart stops. She trembles at the sound and tears fill her eyes. She places her head against the wall and whimpers "Oh why do you hurt me so..."

Alek sings softly to the song, not wanting Timber to hear him at the piano. He sways with his fingers, the images he had brought to the song like a scene in his head. He smiles, feeling comforted for the first time in a while.

Bridgette cries and begins briskly walking back to her room. Suddenly timber stops her and she gasps. "The piano is playing..." He growls but sees her tears "My dear... you are crying...." She whimpers and takes a step back, quickly wiping her tears.

Alek adds his own bits to the song, allowing him to express more of himself. His mind became lost in the song, playing louder and singing louder. He didn't care about Timber or how he had been treated. His eyes opened, wishing for Bridgette by his side.

Timber growls and grabs her by the wrist, yanking her to the ballroom with him. He slams opens the doors "Alek. Get off. Your fired."

Alek stops suddenly and jumps up. "My lord!" He scolds himself mentally. "I-I'm so sorry, I had merely come in to find it empty and couldn't help myself." He bows. "Please, punish me instead! I-i have no place elsewhere!"

Timber growls "Playing this piano obviously proves you can not control yourself. I demand you leave." Bridgette whimpers and looks away from Alek, her heart stinging more.

"Your grace, I-I..." Alek looks to the piano. "I heard you play as well... I would hope that someone who feels the same towards a piano could understand the desire..."

"I WOULD HOPE THAT SOMEONE WHO WORKS FOR A KING WOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO EAVESDROP!" He grabs Bridgette roughly and pulls her close so she doesn't run. He looks at Alek sharply "You have proved no loyalty to me."

Alek kneels before him. "Do as you wish to me. I am willing to accept any punishment." Alek looks at Timber's feet. "I only request that I stay. I will swear to right my error in judgment."

Timber kicks him to the ground. "I'll see if you do..." He leaves, yanking Bridgette out with him.

Alek lies there for a moment, his hand at his side. He takes a deep breath, just glad to still be inside. He got to his feet, stretching out the pain. He glances at the piano before rushing out of the ballroom.


A/N: Alek done messed up.

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