Chapter 1 : The Bad Boy

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"Y/N, wait up!" Namjoon yelled as he ran after you in the parking lot. "You can't just run off like that." He huffed, putting his weight on his knees.

You held out the keys, and dropped them into the palm of his hand. "I just figured you could've used a run today." You teased, hopping in the passenger seat.
"Haha, very funny Y/N. But what's gonna be really funny is when you mysteriously don't pass your final." He shot back, starting up the engine of the car.
"I'm not dumb you idiot, someone else grades the test for our school, otherwise it wouldn't be fair."
Namjoon giggled, as the two of you fastened your seat belts to get to school.
You pulled out your book and plugged in your headphones, as you and Namjoon drove off.

After a good fifteen minutes, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
"We're here." He stated, getting out of the car.
You freed yourself of the seatbelt, and opened the door, before stretching your arms and legs.
"I'll see you eighth period Mr.Kim." You teased, flicking the nape of his neck.
"Yea yea whatever." He mumbled in annoyance.
You and your brother walked into the building as normal, since everyone knew he was your older brother. He looked extremely young for his age, making him popular amongst the girls in the school. A lot of girls came up to you about him when the year started, and even up to now, even though it was the middle of spring. However, you never relied on any of the attention, because you knew it was only about your brother, so you mostly sat alone, reading your book, or talking to your best friend Lisa. Unfortunately not very often considering her schedule. When you walked into first period, there were only a few people, not like many people came to first period anyway.
You sat at your desk as usual, and opened your book, happily reading as time went on. Suddenly, the door aggressively swung open, a loud voice following behind it.
"Ms.Rose is absent?!"
You slowly averted your eyes to the door, and instantly sucked your teeth.
"...Boring." He mumbled under his breath.
"Oh well. Guess I'll be going-"
"Sit down Mr.Park." A voice called out. You turned your head and saw Namjoon standing in the doorway.
"Our teacher isn't here, so I'm leaving."
He stated nudging his shoulder.
Namjoon sighed and grabbed Jimin's arm.
"If you leave that's considered a skip. One more skip without a served detention will result in suspension. Something you don't want a third of or it goes on your transcript." He gritted through his teeth. "Please sit down and await for your substitutes instructions."
Jimin scoffed and pulled his arm out of Namjoon's grasp, before obnoxiously taking the seat next to you.
Of all of the empty seats, he chose this one? The one right next to me? For what?!
You cursed in your head.

You looked up over your right shoulder, and caught a glimpse of Jimin looking at you.
Quickly, you averted your gaze, and buried your face back into the book.
"Hello Y/N ~ " he whispered getting out of his seat, placing himself right in front of you.
"I never knew we had the same class in the morning."
You sighed in annoyance and looked up to meet his eyes.
"Maybe you would know if you came. But considering you don't ever come, you would never know." You whispered back to him, clearly indicating you didn't want to be talked to.
"Ouch. Maybe I would've come more often if I knew you were here." He whispered cutely smiling at you.
"Oh please." You responded rolling your eyes.
"No offense, but why are you even talking to me?" You questioned, actually quite curious. Jimin shrugged his shoulders and smirked.
"Don't know. Maybe because I think you're the one." He teased holding up your chin.
In frustration, you slapped his hand away and sucked your teeth.
"Don't think I don't know what you're doing. I'm not just some girl you can come talk to whenever you feel like it, that's one. And two, you have a reputation here, playboy. I prefer to stay off the list of the girls you've toyed with in this school."
Just then, the bell rang. First period was finally over.
You packed up your stuff in aggravation, and swung your bag over your shoulder, before walking out the door to your next class.
Geez that had to have been one of the worst experiences in my life. What a jerk.

You mumbled to yourself at your locker.
Luckily, the rest of the day went by fast, just one last period and you were home free. After chorus of course. You walked into the class room, greeted your brother, and sat at your seat. The late bell rang, and Namjoon closed the door, and began class.
About twenty minutes later, the door swung open, and there was that same, obnoxious voice. This time, with two of his minions, "V" and Jungkook.
"Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, you're late for class. Please take a seat."
Namjoon stated, not talking his eyes off the board.
Jimin, V and Jungkook obeyed, and took their seats. Thankfully in the back, nowhere near you. After what seemed like forever, the bell gave its final ring, and everyone packed up.
"Y/N, Jimin, can I talk to you two for a second?"
You looked over your shoulder at Jimin, who flirtatiously winked at you. You rolled your eyes, and looked back at your brother.
"Yea, what's up?" You responded walking towards him, Jimin right beside you.
"First, Park Jimin. If you don't pass this final you won't be able to pass the class, meaning you won't graduate on time."
You looked over to Jimin, who's face instantly changed. He bit his lower lip, and looked at the ground.
"Don't worry, I talked to the principal and discussed private tutoring lessons for you for this class. Y/N will be your tutor."
Your eyes practically popped out of your head.
"Woah woah woah, what? I can't I have chorus after school you know that!"
"Yea and I have...stuff to do." Jimin responded back fiddling his fingers.
"Yes but I'm sure that's not more important than graduating on time, Park Jimin." Namjoon replied, giving Jimin a pat on the shoulder.
"You two figure out the details but make sure you do it. Otherwise it's twenty percent off of your final grade."
Before you could say anything, he shut the door of the classroom.
You sighed in frustration, before looking at Jimin.
" place?" Jimin questioned, putting his arm around your shoulder.
"Uh, no. My place is better. Plus if Namjoon's meetings don't hold him up he can help you when he's home."
You removed his arm from your shoulder, and walked out of the classroom into the hallway, Jimin following not too far behind.
"Namjoon..? Who's that?"
You turned around quickly, giving Jimin the 'are you serious' face.
"I really don't know who that is..." Jimin repeated stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Mr.Kim, my brother. Ring a bell?"
Jimin's eyes widened, before a smirk formed on his face.
"Ah, your Kim's little sister. People always said he had a sister here but I never knew who it was." He stated walking closer to you, putting his hands on his hips.
"Like I said, you would know if you came to school." You coldly responded, walking out the door.
His jaw dropped.
"Wow, this kitten's got claws." He scoffed in disbelief. You looked over your shoulder, and shrugged, trying to hide the small smirk that lingered on your face.
"Look uhm...I have to go somewhere later today, so can we meet around 5?"

Is he serious?

"No. I'm busy from 4 to 6." You stated coldly.
"But, I-"
"I'm kidding. Give me your number and I'll send you my address. Just warn me in advance about your schedule next time, okay?"
He nodded his head, and handed you his phone, and you handed him yours.
When you got your phone back, you looked at the contact.
"Jimin 💓"

You scoffed and looked up to Jimin, who smiled at you.
"Catch you later Y/N."
You waved as he walked out of the school building, letting out a sigh.

Geez. How'd I end up in this mess??

Welcome to my Jimin FF ^~^ I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I don't have a specific story like I do for the Taehyung FF so this story will probably go in a lot of different directions.

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