Chapter 10: I Fell For a Playboy

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When you and Jimin arrived at the theatre, you both went separate ways. He went to the studio, and you went to Hoseok's office.
You knocked on the door and awaited a response. Not too soon after, it opened, and Hobi smiled sweetly at you.
"Y/N! You really came!" He sighed in relief. "You really are a life saver." He whispered wrapping his arms around you. You chuckled and hugged him back.
"No problem Oppa."
He broke the hug and handed you a walkie-talkie.
"You'll need this. You'll be in charge of getting the dancers to the wings. Calling the next number before hand basically."
You nodded your head and accepted the walkie-talkie.
"You'll be in charge of the dancers in studio A and studio B. You'll be accompanied of course, so don't stress it too much."
He explained as he handed you a clip board with the order of the show, and the performers in the studio.
"Run through starts at 7 so go inform the dancers for me please?"
"Sure thing J-Hope." 
He smiled and shook his head. "Thanks Y/N."
you walked out of the office and closed the door behind you.
"Y/N? You're here?"
Startled, you looked up and sighed in relief at the sight of Taehyung standing in front of you.
"Y-yea. I'm working as stage hands so I'll be helping you guys with the order and stuff." You explained.
"Ohh okay. Does Jimin know you're here?"
"Yea. We walked here together."
Taehyung smirked and ran his fingers through his hair.
"That's why he ditched us huh? Well anyways. I've been meaning to ask you, are you and Jimin dating?"  He questioned tilting his head.
You felt your face heat up as you waved your hands in front of your face.
"N-no! It's not like that its just that I-"
"Like him?" He cut you off, stuffing his hands in his pockets. You opened your mouth to say no, but was that really the truth? You hesitated, but you spoke anyway.
"No.." you mumbled.
Taehyung laughed and pat your shoulder.
"You expect me not to believe you? There's proof all over your face." He informed you placing his hand on your forehead. "You're burning up Y/N." he teased. You slapped his hand away in embarrassment and crossed your arms.
"Yea yea shush. He can't know or else I lose the bet." You mumbled.
"Bet? What bet?"
You groaned and rubbed your temples. "That's too much to explain so I'll tell you another time. But please don't tell him, okay?"
Taehyung nodded his head and smiled.
"You have my word."
You sighed in relief as he ruffled your hair.
"I'll see you later Y/N? Okay?"
You nodded your head, as you watched Taehyung walk down the hall. You took a deep breath, before continuing to do your job.
   Working in a theatre is not as easy as it sounds. You were walking around all over he place, helping dancers with quick changes. It was crazy, but no matter how crazy, it was fun. After the run through, you were free to go. You handed Hobi back the walkie-talkie and clipboard before you headed toward the lobby.
Suddenly, you got a text from Jimin.

Meet me at studio B.
-Twinkle Toes 💙

You smiled and did as the text said. Maybe you could see him rehearse his solo. In high hopes, you wondered down the hall smiling.

Maybe I should just lose the bet. Tell him I like him.
You thought to yourself. After what seemed like forever, you finally made it to the studio. The door was slightly open, so you peaked inside and felt your heart stop.

"What do you mean Taehyung?" Jimin questioned.
"Do you like Y/N? Be honest." He demanded.
Jimin laughed nervously, and scratched the nape of his neck.

You knew the answer to that. Jimin had told you he liked you. But for some reason, it still made you nervous.

"Out with it already!" Taehyung stated punching Jimin's arm.

"You're joking right? I would never like a girl like Y/N." he said in a 'matter of fact' tone. You felt your heart break. You should've known something like this would happen. But you were stupid and naive. Even though you still knew, you gave it a chance. You were hoping you'd be wrong

"Oh hey Y/N, I didn't know you were here." A voice called out. Jimin's eyes widened as he looked to the door and saw you at the doorway with Jungkook.
You scoffed, with tears in your eyes.
" I was just leaving." You mumbled angrily.
"Y/N? Y/N wait!" Jimin called as he ran after you. He grabbed your wrist, but you pulled it away.
"Y/N wait I can explain-"
"No I heard plenty." You cut him off.
You shook your head and wiped your tears.
"I should've known better then to give you a chance. I shouldn't even be crying over you." You whispered. "I like you, Park Jimin, you win. I fell for the playboy, you happy?"

Before he could respond, you angrily ran away as far as your legs could carry you. When you stopped, you found yourself in Lisa's neighborhood on the other side of the city. You pulled out your phone to check the time.


(23 missed calls) Twinkle Toes 💙
(10 missed calls) Taehyungie 🥂
(15 missed calls) Kookie 🍪

You felt your eyes begin to water, and your vision got blurry. You dabbed your eye with your sleeve and took a deep breath, when suddenly you got a message from Hoseok.

Y/N, I heard what happened. You okay?
- Sunshine ☀️

no not...

Where are you? I'll come pick you up.
-Sunshine ☀️

You hesitated, but you looked at the street sign, and sent him your address.

I'll be there in 10, be careful okay?
-Sunshine ☀️

You locked your phone and you let out a deep sigh as another tear strolled down your cheek.

It really happened. I fell for a playboy.


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