Chapter 21: Stigma

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The show starts at 9 PM, and you're on at about 9:30, it was already about 9:12. At this point, Jimin and Yoongi are done helping you with Stigma. It was hard and stressful, but you were confident you could do it, just a little bit anxious. They put you in an off the shoulder burgundy dress and styled your hair with loose curls at the ends. Jimin walked you over to the side of the stage and up to where you needed to enter, the telephone booth.
"You got this Y/N, okay?"
You gulped and nodded your head as he handed you the mic.
"I'll be right at the side of the stage when you exit. Fighting~"
He gave you a kiss on the cheek and left.
You felt your heart beat out of your chest, sure enough that everyone could here.
Then, the music started playing.
You sang into the mic as smoothly as you could, as you walked out of the telephone booth.

So far so good.

You thought as you walked down the stairs. As you sing, you realized Taehyung's back up vocals in the track. They mixed really well with your voice. You continued to sing and stood in the middle of the stage.

~I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry my brother~

The high notes are coming.

You took a deep breath.

Are you calling me a sinner?

Just relax. You can do it Y/N.

You looked over your right shoulder as you sang. Jimin stood in the wings, like he said he would.

~I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry my sister~
Sumgyeodo gamchwodo jiwojiji anheo
So cry,
Please dry my eyes
You took a deep breath, successfully and smoothly hit the high note. You heard the crowd cheer loudly as you sang.

First one down, just one more.

You opened your mouth, and hit the second high note flawlessly. The crowd cheered even louder. You calmly sang the rest of the song as smoothly as you could, and the last note of the song.

Jae bal~

The music stopped. You looked at the audience, almost breathless. It was silent. So silent that you could hear a pen drop. Suddenly the crowd began to roar. You were taken aback by how loud they were. You smiled softly and took a bow before walking off stage to the wing where Jimin waited for you.
"Y/N! That was amazing!" He yelled hugging you tightly.
"It felt great. I was a little anxious." You admitted chuckling awkwardly. "So about Spring Day?"
"Oh! Yea come on, I'll teach you."
He grabbed your wrist and took you to change into your costume first, so you didn't have to worry about it later. The costume was simple. For you, it was an oversized pastel pink button up, a white t-shirt, and some black jeans with slits in the middle with white sneakers. Your hair cutely tied up into a bun, and simple makeup. When you finished, he met you in studio A, where he managed to teach you the first whole half of the dance.
"Intermission is almost over you guys. Y/N, do you have the dance?" Hoseok stated opening the door to the studio.

"So-so. I have the heart of the choreography, I just need to know my spacing." You explained.
"Okay, and the lyrics?"
"I got em."
"Great, keep at it, you're doing great!" He smiled and gave you a thumbs up. "I'll send someone back when Awake is halfway through okay?"
You nodded your head and he left the room.
"Okay Y/N, one more time from the top. Don't forget to do the hug for the 'my best friend' part."
You nodded your head as he turned on the music. You managed to get it to an extent where you could perform it, but you were still nervous. This was so much for one day.
"Awake is almost done, places for Spring Day." One of the stage hands informed you.
You took a deep breath and followed Jimin to the wings.
"Yoongi? Joonie? You're doing it too?"
"I didn't want to, but Hoseok made me." Namjoon replied in annoyance putting his hands on his hips.
"I wanted to do it, Even though I know I'm going to be so sore tomorrow. This is why I just want to be a rock in my next life." Yoongi complained crossing his arms. You chuckled, managing to ease your tension. It was Jin's high note now, that meant it was almost over.
You took a deep breath, and as the lights went out, you took your spot on stage. The music started playing, and you managed to get through the first part.

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