Part 5

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A few months have passed since the incident, Aqua was up and moving quickly despite doctors orders which she never listened to any ways. She seemed happy at first bus soon she turned cold and started to avoid me, she focused on getting stronger and spent most of her time alone. My temper was worse now then before the small things could set me off.

I yawn stretching as I wake up at my desk again. "Damit I fell asleep studying for classes again" I think out loud. I look at my clock 7 AM to late to sleep some more to early for much else I quickly throw work out gear on and head to the gym. I set up in the corner where the punching bags are at I wrap my hands tightly and start working the bag my music blaring in my ears. I can feel someone standing to my right watching me, I keep going for five minutes but they don't leave. I yank my ear buds out and turn on the guy " what do you want?!" I yell in his face.

He takes a step back " dam man I wanted to ask you if you know the aqua chick in the ring?" I look over where she's sparring with a guy a little bigger then I am I look back at the guy who asked " yea I know her she's in the same dorm as me why do you ask?" He gets a sly smile on his face " I heard she's a major cold hearted bitch!" I stop as my hand collides with the bag " what did you just say?" I slowly turn on him " hey man that's what I heard, plus I knew her when she was an assassin." I grab him by the throat my hands starting to heat up I slam my fist into his gut. He smiles " this is gonna be fun!" He brakes my grip and head butts me then kicks me in the chest pushing me back. He slowly starts to back towards the ring I follow him I throw a punch he dodges easily and catches my arm and slams his forearm into my elbow breaking my arm I let out a scream. Everyone stops to watch.

He's smiling evilly and aqua doesn't look happy. I ignore her stare and focus on the threat in front of me as my broken arm hangs at my side I rush him and kick one of his legs out I put him in a headlock and start to choke him out my hand slowly catching on fire and starting to burn him. he finally gives up I shove him off me a turns and goes to kick me aqua appears catching his leg knocking his other leg out she turns and hits me in the face with a fist covered in ice

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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