Opposites atract and enemys are friends

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I heard yelling from outside of my room, I was groggy I rolled out of bed put on black jeans a white shirt my leather jacket I just got and grabbed my gloves and tied my boots. I opened the door to have a plate hit me in the face. I tried to stay calm as my fingers caught fire I looked around. There was a guy black hoodie sweatpants just chilling in the kitchen then there was two girls arguing one blue eyes brunette glasses red shirt jean shirts, the other one caught my attention blue and purple streaks in blonde hair black skinny jeans black fingerless gloves utility belt green flannel high tops. I laughed " and they call me a hot head!" They all looked at me " can't a guy get some sleep around here?" There was a knock on the door. It was professor T " are you all ready for your teams ranking match?" We all just kinda stared at him "team?" We all said in unison he just smiled and told us to follow him. we did I walked next to the guy he had an sm on the back of his hoodie. " hey s" I said he just looked at me he looked normal black hair brown skin brown eyes, he nodded at me and looked forward. Not much for talking, I stepped up and walked next to my God father " if you want to learn more about the people in your team I sent you there files check your files when you get back to your room." He opened a door and inside was a arena type area, glass roof with vents, pillars going up vines growing from the walls. We stepped in as we did the door shut behind us and another team walked in two guys two girls. There was a voice that came over the intercom " this is your ranking match for your team and your personal score, this match is till the opposing team can't fight, any injuries can be healed but try not to kill anyone on purpose it takes longer to heal."  There was a laugh from across the room " when the buzzer sound the fight begins."  The second ticked by and the buzzer sounded right away the guys came running at us my thought was there going for the guys but then the two girls attacked me and S, I rolled backwards avoiding a kick from one of the girls I noticed the girl with the blue in her hair was dealing with one guy while the other had climbed the pillars he had a bow in arrow in his hands. It was made out of what looked like energy I rushed over as he fired the arrow it pierced my shoulder as I grabbed her and got her out of the way. I looked at her " can't get tunnel vision here darlin you'll get hurt" she shoved me out of the way and spin kicked the girl that was jumping at me. She gave a sly smile and went back to fighting. I looked over at S who had an arrow in his hand he was standing in front of the other girl and he looked pissed. I dusted myself off as one guy smiled in front of me. I pulled the arrow out of my shoulder. " you've really pissed me off a guy should never hit a girl" as I say this my hands start catching fire the fire slowly gets hotter and creeps up my arms. He takes a step back looking into my eyes. He backs up and stands next to the other one with the bow and arrow. S walks up next to me pulling his hood up " I agree with him" in one of his hands he makes a fire ball and launches it. We rush forward as he does the same energy that the guy has the bow made of appears around his hands as he strikes the first guy I stand in front of the guy with the bow, " he smiles and pulls his bow up " names builder I can make anything out of pure energy!" He fires an arrow I catch it " names blaze I'm called that cause I destroy anything that gets in my way I rush forward and duck down punching up. I back up and spin around and deliver a kick to his face sending him against the pillar he collapses onto his knees. I kick him in the face again. I look over to see S slam the guy straight threw the pillar I notice his eyes are glowing red. I look around the girl S got in front of has one of the girls trapped against the wall as she's controlling the vines and continuously slamming her against it. And the one I grabbed has a bubble of water wrapped around the other girl it pops and she shoots a spike of ice into both legs and into her shoulder.
      The buzzer dings again and we're all ushers out and separated I was released after being healed and went back to my room I opened up the laptop and look at the files I was sent code names Aqua- real name Alena father worked as a scientist mother was a marine biologist one day when mother was pregnant something happened at the lab and she was born she looked normal when she was five she went swimming and her power activated she was home schooled from that point on treated as a freak by society, first arrested for petty theft. Believed to be a top assassin for a criminal gang. Powers- controls ice and water.
Violet- code name violet powers-can control nature background- unknown
SM- code name mimic powers- can use any power has come in contact with background- was raised poor fought in boxing and MMA to help pay bills first found his powers when he was attacked by a superhuman regenerated wounds and crushed the persons body had to be in hospital even with regeneration.
I leaned back and put my laptop down and closed my eyes I could still hear the water

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