Thud Thud

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I was never scared of the dark, Why should i be? One night as i put jake and alex to bed my younger brothers i flet somthing waching me but knew it was nothing to be scared of so i dissmissed it. Big mistake. Waking into my room i shut the door an soon was fast asleep. For some reason i woke up sitting jolt up right looking over i noticed the clocked bemed 3:38 am. Now i had done this for many night for the last two weeks to i didn't mind laying back down i felt it again someone was watching me.

"Hello?" I yelled out but heard nothing just a soft *thud thud* sound Laying back down i fell alseep seeing as i thought it was nothing. The next morning i asked my mother if she felt anything odd in the house simply saying no i dissmissed it. That night i put my brothers too bed and kissed them goodnight, Walking into my room i shuddered it was oddly cold in there witch was right or the summer.

I woke up again this time he clock read 2:69 Witch was impossable seeibng as there was no such time. I felt the sudden need to look under the bed but that was silly i was having a bad dream was all laying down again just before i fell asleep i heard a deep evil voice laugh "Wrong move" And i was out when i awoke again it was midnight then I realized I was sleeping I was In a dream "checkyurr mirror" an dark voice growled

Sitting up right I heard *thud thud* come from

under my bed scared I finally looked under the bed I saw my mirror I hide under there shattered.

As so as I noticed this a scream broke free from my brothers room, Running I found them dead. ripped open Jake's insides were hanging him from the roof his eyes popped out of the sockets. Alex's insides were sitting on his back I screamed in horror my mom's throat had been slit an bleed out.  on the wall was writing in what seemed like blood all it said was "don't you wish you looked under the bed?"

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