Chapter 18

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We got home, and Jonah sat down on the couch still with me clinging to him.

"You ever going to let go?" River asked, laughing.

"No." I said shortly, "I'm not."

Jonah laughed, "Baby girl you're gonna have to let go eventually. Not that I want you to, but it might be necessary."

I blushed as he used my favorite nickname, and buried my face into his shoulder.

"Lily." Jack said rolling his eyes, "Detach from him and help us make a plan."

My eyes went red, and I stood up glaring at him, only to be pulled back onto the couch by Jonah. I began squirming, and trying to get free.

"You don't get to talk to me!" I yelled, "I hate you. And I will never like you in any way shape or form! The only reason your here is because I love my best friend who is no longer your best friend she's mine! You hear me?! She's my best friend now!!"

Then I pushed away from Jonah and stormed to my room. I was done with him. I hated Jack. I hated him! I wanted him to leave and never come back.

Just then someone knocked on my door. I thought it was Riv or Jonah so I said "Come in." Only to see the one human I hated most. Jack himself.

"Get out!" I yelled, "I hate you! Don't you get it?! I hate you!!"

He held his hands up in surrender and said, "River wanted me to come up here and apologize. I mean I get it, he was dead. But we're both back and we need to get to planning."

I glared at him, and threw a knife from my desk at him, pinning his shirt to the wall as I walked over to him.

"Okay. Get this. I. Hate. You."

"You've said that." He interrupted, so I slapped him across the face.

"I'm not done." I continued, "One; River is my best friend. Not yours. I know you're up to something. I saw the way you looked at that necklace. Two; Jonah is my boyfriend. I will hug him whenever I want and you don't get a say in that. I don't like you and never will. I'd love if you would leave and never return but I know River cares about you so you won't. But I have my eye on you. Now you're going back down there and you are going to tell them we made up and are friends. Don't answer. Just nod."

He nodded quickly.

"Good." I smiled sweetly, "Now go, calmly."

He walked back out the door and I listened as he did as he was told.

I don't trust him at all,
What if he hurts River?
What is he planning?
I'm going to find out what he's up to, and I'm going to put a stop to it. I won't let him hurt any of us.

I sighed, and shook my head to clear my thoughts. Then I changed into my running shorts and one of Jonah's flannels I had stolen before walking back downstairs.

Jonah looked me up and down then asked, "Is flannel?"

"Yep." I smiled, "And you're not getting it back."

He walked over, and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Good. It looks better on you." Then he smirked, seeing me blush.

"As cute as you guys are, do you wanna help make the plan or leave it to us?" River asked.

I shared a look with Jonah and whispered, "We better help if we want to live."

"I heard that!" River scowled and laughed, "But your probably partially right."

Jonah and I laughed, then walked over to the table wth River and Jack. Jonah had his arm around my waist and kept it there the whole time we were discussing the plan.

(( more:::txt that is like this is in bond talk. K thx. Continue reading. :)❤️ ))

"What's with the arm?" I asked him through our bond.

"What do you mean?" He retorted.

I smirked and looked at him, "Your arm. You're keeping me awfully close."

"I know you don't like Jack. So yes I'm keeping you close. I trust your judgement." He said.

I smiled, then turned back to River, "Sorry I didn't hear any of that." I admitted.

She laughed, "Its fine. I was saying first we should find a way to find the Lycan who attacked them."

I nodded, "But how? We don't have a scent to follow or any idea where he could have come from."

"I know." She continued, "So I was thinking we could start by going back to where we found the guys. See if there's anything we can follow?"

I nodded, "Not a bad start. After that we can decide our next action."

"That's all?" Jack laughed.

I glared at him, "You got a better idea?" I snapped.

He didn't respond.

"Didn't think so." I said, "We'll leave at nine tomorrow. Yes in the morning. Anyone who isn't awake will be left...I'm looking at you Jack."

As I walked up to my room, thought sped through my mind.

Am I ready for this?
What if I'm not?
What if I die?
What if Jonah dies...again?!
What if River dies?!
((Idc about Jack xD))
I took a deep breath and got into bed. It was going to be fine. I'll have Jonah and River right next to me. It'll be fine. I convinced myself of this, and slowly fell asleep.

><><in dream><><
I was running through the forest..alone. The trees and leaves were spotted with red, Blood. Screams came from all sides, River and Jonah yelling for me. I couldn't find them. I couldn't help them. I was lost and powerless. I fell to my knees and started crying. I failed them.....

Then I was sitting up in bed shaking. It was a dream. Just a horrible, horrible dream. I leap out of my bed and ran down the hallway to Jonah's room and leap into his bed and hugged him.

He woke up shocked and hugged me.

"Lily what's wrong? What happened?" He asked.

"I had a bad dream." I whimpered, "You and River were dying and I couldn't find you to help you. I was powerless. I failed you guys." I was still shaking and started crying.

"Is this about tomorrow?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Maybe."

"Stay here then." He said, laying back down and pulling me close.

I nodded and slowly fell asleep, and this time I stayed asleep.

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