The Virus-"Trailer"

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I stood at the edge of Cyberspace, looking down at the inky blackness below me. "I told you I would win," A computerized version of my voice echoed around, disorientating me. I couldn't tell anymore if it was just in my head or truly around me. I laughed at him. "What?" I shook my head, "Nothing..." I whispered softly a smirk tugging at the edges of my mouth. "What?!" He snarled at me. "You think you won, but you didn't. I still have one last card to play." Now it was his turn to laugh. "Your so naïve. I have won. I have your presious little friends, your life has been torn apart, and now you have clearly gone delirious." "Delirious?" I asked with the slightest hint of a chuckle. "Yes delirious, a disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech. Your crazy Ryan, face it."

I shook my head at him and started laughing. I steped off the edge of Cyberspace and the emptyness suddenly hardened under my dirt and blood coated convers. I laughed, "You do care about me, I'm touched." He yelled at me. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CRY!" I winced at the loudness and took another step into the blackness. Again, another platform materalized under me. "STOP!!! YOU"LL KILL YOURSELF!!" I jumped again, "Maybe thats the point, Virus." Yet another platform of neon blue data caught me as he growled at me. "I told Mad not to drive that crazy." I kept jumping, using the platforms to launch myself faster and farther. "STOP!! I CANT KEEP UP!!" The last platform I landed on was lower than the others, giving off a neon blue into the inky blackness. I tried not to look down. I knew what was down there. My worst fears. I shook my head and jumped off again. "Maybe I don't want you to keep up." "YOU IDIOT!!! YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF!!" Annother platform materalized under me. Finaly I would get answers I want. "Why do you care if die Virus? Didn't you want me dead to begin with?" He stuttered. "I-I Well..." I smiled. Right answer. I turned around, my heels hanging off the edge of the platform.

I saluted into the space above me and spread my arms out and let myself fall backwards.

"YOU CRAZY BASTARD!" He screamed at me. I could hear Mad's voice mixed in aswell. I fell. No neon blue platform caught me. I had won. "Thats the problem Virus," A smirk creeped its way onto my lips. "Your not crazy enough, work on it." I closed my blue eyes and hit the inky blackness, and it swallowed my up. Suddenly it wasn't endless cold blackness. It was crystal blue water. My copper hair floated up, as if reaching for the surface as I started sinking. My lungs burned for air but instead I gave them water. I figured it out. If I'm gone, so is Virus and Mad. They can't hurt any more people. I opened my eyes and looked over to my right. There was Virus, the water around him charged with electricity. I turned to the left and saw Mad in the same condition only he was leaving a trail of blood in the water. I smirked. I had finaly won. I looked back up. The edge of my vision clouding with black spots. I could see about 7 figures above the water, but I couldn't make them out. A pair of hands broke the calm surface of the water, sending ripples in all directions. The hands griped my shoulders as my vision started to blur and fade. They tugged me out of the water's grasp. I gasped as my face hit the air, pulling me out of the calmness I was in. I coughed up water and fell back. I staired up into the blackness of Cyberspace. 7 faces crouded my blackening vision. Two voices mixed into one and echoed, "Nice try Cry... You'll never get rid of us."


**Hey there! I hope you liked this little like "Sneek Peek" or "Trailer" or whatever you whant to call this of my story to come. If someone were to make me an actual trailer that would be totaly amazing! Check out the vid on the side. Its really good. If you have suggestions please feel free to tell me through messages or just leave me a comment bellow. Tell me what you think of the song to the side -> I listened to Nightcore while watching this. I love Nightcore. Listen to her if you like. Also check out my bestie Julia @Julia-Paluch. Remember to vote and tell me what you think!

Until Next Time... Sophie ;D**

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