Deep Trouble

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Chapter Thirty - Deep Trouble

It was very early in the morning when I was walking down the hospital corridor, stifling a yawn. I had hardly got any sleep last night worrying about Alec.

I swung the door open and immediately frowned.

"Good morning, Scarlet," He spoke with his gaze fixed at the laptop while he typed something into his phone.

My gaze riveted to Jeremy, who was standing beside his bed.

"You got him his laptop and phone?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Erica, I've sent you the email," Alec spoke on the phone. "I want you to send those quotations to our London clients."

He hung up and gave his laptop and phone back to Jeremy, which he quickly placed into a briefcase and left the room.

"Let me guess," I raised a brow at Alec as I walked over to his bed. "Your doctor doesn't know."

He shrugged. "Stupid hospital rules. But I know I'm good now. Might as well start working."

I sat down on the stool and scowled at him. "This is so unfair. You sent me to dad's last night saying that you'll be fine and I come here to find you working already."

"I told you I'm fine."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Is that why you sent me home? So you can work?"

"Scarlet, you've been here for two days. Of course I had to send you back. And my work has never bothered me, I'm fine."

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "I'm staying here tonight."

"That won't be necessary. I'm getting discharged this afternoon."

A surprised laugh escaped my mouth. "Really?"

His lips lifted up into a smile. "If I knew you would be that happy about it, I would have got discharged sooner."

I raised a brow. "That's not up to you, Alec."

"Are you sure about that?" He smirked.

My jaw dropped for a moment as it struck me. "You're not supposed to be discharged today, are you?"

"Not really."

"I'm going to talk to Dr. Jensen right now," I was halfway towards the door when his voice stopped me.

"I had a deal."

"With a doctor?" I spat in a ridiculous manner and he chuckled.

"Yes. He's letting me go because I promised to work from home for atleast a week."

"And you're going to follow that?" I narrowed my eyes.


I blinked at him. "Really?"

At this, he rolled his eyes, picked up the TV remote and started watching a business channel.

I got myself busy into reading a magazine and thankfully, Alec wasn't constantly lecturing me today of how I shouldn't miss my classes to be here since it was a Sunday today.

I swear he sounded like my dad.

Soon, it was afternoon and Jeremy was taking care of the discharging formalities while I was waiting for Alec to get changed into the clothes Jeremy had brought back from the apartment.

The door clicked open and he stepped out into a pair of denims and a plain black tshirt. Do I need to mention he looked good even in that?

Good? Who am I kidding?

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