The Truth

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Chapter Thirty Five - The Truth

I inhaled deeply to the unfamiliar scent and slowly opened my tired eyes.

My gaze met a white ceiling. Where was I?

The beeping of a machine started ringing in my ears and I looked around myself. I wasn't in my room or Alec's for that matter.

Then, I started recalling everything that had happened, causing my heart to beat loudly as the events of my last conscious state came back to me.

Was I shot?

I moved my arms and legs in a weak manner to check for any pain but there was none.

I lifted my upper body on my arms in an attempt to sit up when the door swung open.

A middle aged man in a white coat entered the room. I assumed he was a doctor.

He had a warm smile on his face as he walked up to me with a clipboard in his hands.

"I'm Neil, your doctor. How are you feeling, Mrs. Sinclair?"

"I'm okay," I nodded in confusion. "What happened to me? Why am I in a hospital?"

He frowned for a moment, looked at the machines beside my bed and then jotted something down on the board. "You don't remember anything?"

"I do. I remember being kidnapped. Then, someone was helping me escape and I probably passed out because of the bullet? I was shot, right?"

"No. You passed out because of shock and exhaustion. Besides a few cuts and bruises, you're fine."

I sighed in relief.

"Can I sit up?"

He nodded and pressed a button on the side of the bed, causing the upper end of it to incline up.

Just then, an image flashed infront of my eyes.

Right before the redhead had caught up to us, I had seen a car in distance and someone getting out of it in a hurry.

Was it really Alec? Or was I dreaming?

"Where's my husband?" I suddenly asked. He was okay, right?

There's no way the redhead could have done something to him after I passed out.

"He's waiting outside. Do you want me to send him in?" He asked and I nodded immediately.

The doctor took a few moments to check my vitals and write something on the board again before he finally left the room.

I waited patiently and after a few seconds, the door opened again.

Alec stepped into the room and I started studying his appearance. His form seemed exhausted, there were bags under his tired eyes and his stubble had grown to give him a five o'clock shadow.

Just how long have I been out?

He walked closer and once he was beside my bed, he just stood there watching me with no emotion whatsoever.

His dull blue orbs locked with mine and they were as devoid of any emotion as a pole.

"I hope you cried for me," I tried to joke.

He did not speak anything.

Was he okay?

I started to worry about him and before I could utter another word, his lips moved and he let me relish his voice.

"I fucking hate you," It came out in a monotone.

I blinked in response.

"What?" I muttered.

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