Baby Talks

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Chapter Forty - Baby Talks

I felt slight movement and shuffled in my sleep.

Opening my eyes, I found Alec standing at the car door, leaning over the backseat in my direction.

It took me a while to check my surroundings and realize that I was in his apartment's parking lot. Oh right! I'm supposed to stay a day with him.

I made a move to get out of the car but he was fast in hoisting me up in his arms and walking towards the elevators.

"I was trying to be subtle. Sorry if I woke you up," He muttered as Jeremy pressed the call button for us before looking away awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"Taking you back to our home."

"I know that," I rolled my eyes. "What I mean is, why are you carrying me? I can walk, you know."

"What good am I, love, if you have to wake up just to walk up to the apartment?" He winked.

I tried to keep a straight face.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm up now," I stated.

He entered the elevators.

"So you can put me down," I continued.

"Nah I'm good."

I sighed.

"Also, I know how much you love it when I carry you," He smirked down at me.

My cheeks heated up and I looked away. The elevators opened into the living room and I realized how much I had missed this place in the past week.

All our memories here came rushing back and I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, recalling how Alec had used me in his revenge game.

"Scarlet?" He frowned and set me down on the couch, kneeling infront of me. "What is the matter? Are you sick?"

I shook my head in confusion. "No."

"Then why are you crying?" His expression fell as he lifted his thumb to wipe my cheeks.

"N-nothing. I'm just tired," I got up and walked past him towards the stairs.

"I know...," Alec spoke and I stopped in my tracks. "I know what you're thinking, Scarlet and I am sorr-"

"Please," I cut him off. "I can't do this right now."

There was a long silence.

"Okay," He muttered.

Taking in a deep breath, I started climbing the stairs but felt Alec walking beside me in an instant.

I found his enthusiastic demeanour back again. "No problem. There's always a tomorrow for talking."

Electricity shot through my veins when his warm hand wrapped around mine as he guided me upstairs.

I felt every bit of emotion coming back to the surface and all I wanted to do was throw my arms around him and kiss him like it was the end of the world but I resisted it.

My steps halted when I reached my room.

"What's wrong?" Alec turned around.

I pointed to the door. "I'm gonna go sleep."

"In there?" He raised a brow.

I nodded.

"No," He spoke bluntly.

"Excuse me?" I raised a brow.

"That's not your room anymore. Come and sleep in our room."

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