A Writing Experience

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A writing experience-writte by two of our lovely members :)

-The Writing expirience 

by @godsandmonsters5

There is oly one thing I need when I am writing: Music. I can't write without music. Why do I use it? Well, the answer is this. When i listen to music while I'm writing, I imagine the scenes in my head as if it was a movie. It's a really cool thing, and some of you should try it some time. 

You see, lately, I've been listening to a lot of music, which means that there are a lot of ideas inside my head. It's like I have twenty stories inside my head as I'm writing this, many of which I want to write right now, but I haven't because I don't want to write tons of stories and never finish them. That wouldn't be fare for you guys, right? 

I think that is the only problem when listening to music, but I like the good things about it. 

Lately, I've been concentrating more on my novel story, "Broken." I guess the idea is so complicated that it's actually pretty hard writing it. I think I've started that story for about thirty or more times, and those who know me know how this feels. I guess the problem is that I want to make it poetic, and not rush it too much, after all, a lot is happening in the plot. I just rewrote the entire thing again, and only the preface and chapter 1 are uploaded. I guess I really like this new beggining, now i have to write the rest!

Wish me luck!


-The Writing Expirience 

by @sweetboobear

 Writing for me has been my get away. I've always loved to write even when I couldn't spell haha. Ever since first or fourth grade I had a  passion for reading although I would read half the book then go on to another book. As a result, every book I read I would write a short story or two. Writing for me is a passion and I love it.

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