Part 1: The Start Of The End

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"Get me another beer!"

Will Dixon yelled to his youngest child, Maria Dixon, the young girl in question sighed at her father's request. Maria was  23 years old and still lived at home with her no good drink of a father, but at least She had her brother Daryl her other brother Merle however got out as fast as he could leaving the other two siblings to fend for themselves.

"Where the fuck is my beer girl! Don't make me get that belt ya hear?!"

Maria cringed at the harsh words her father spoke knowing that it wasn't just a threat but a promise. Sighing as she got up to get another beer for her father, if he had anymore, if he didnt  she'd have to sneak out the house and join Daryl in hunting. Her fathers temper was short especially when he'd been drinking which was 90% of the time. When he would drink Maria and Daryl would sneak out the house together and go hunting in an attempt to avoid their fathers rage, the siblings spent most of their childhood in the woods tracking and hunting down animals. Daryl learnt to use a crossbow when he was 10 and Maria learnt how to use a bow, the woods were the only place where they felt safe.

However Maria didn't go with Daryl today as she needed to fill in job applications, she was filling out as many as she could in hopes that at least one person would employ her after she got fired from her last job at a cafe in town, let's just say Merle pissed of the manager and in return she got fired. It's hard enough finding a job in a small town but it was even harder when your last name is Dixon.

Maria made it to the fridge and pulled out a beer hurrying into the living room she quickly gave it to her father before going back to looking for jobs. She was searching through the paper when a news report about people attacking each other came on but she just shook her head thinking it was just drugged up idiots.

A knock sounded at the door before her uncle walked in, she immediately noticed that his arm was bleeding and rushed over.

"Uncle Rob? What happened?"

"I was out hunting with ya brother and some drunk guy in the woods attacked me, tore a chunk straight out of my arm"

She looked behind her uncle to see Daryl jogging up the drive his eyes wide with shock at what had happened. A heavy hand landed on her back making her flinch knowing who it was. Will Dixon stood there in a drunk haze eyes narrowed.

"Well we better go take care of 'em then, show me where they were" Daryl was about to say something but Will cut him off "no! Stay here with your sister, we need to talk when I get back"

Daryl huffed but complied going to stand next to his sister and their father grabbed his shotgun and followed their uncle. Maria was confused and even though she wouldn't admit it a little freaked out. She remembered the news she'd heard earlier about people in Atlanta attacking each other and biting and now her uncle had shown up with a bite.

"Ya okay?"

"Yeah it's just weird, heard a news report about each other, just thought it was drugs ya know?"

Daryl grunted "ain't like no drug I've ever seen before"

"What if it's not drugs, what if it's something else?"

"Like what?"

Maria just shrugged her shoulders "don't know"

A scream pierced the air, both Dixon siblings looked at each other before taking off in a sprint to the woods. When the arrived at the scene Maria clasped her hands over her mouth and tried to hold in the tears. Their uncle Rob was lying on the floor dead with a puddle of blood surrounding him, it looked like it was from the giant bite mark on his neck. Then her eyes wondered over to her father who was being eaten alive, Maria couldn't believe her eyes maybe her theory about it not being drugs was correct after all.

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