Part 2: Road To Atlanta

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They had been sat in the car for hours now and Maria was starting to get impatient, the sun was setting and they were still an hour away from getting there. Maria was scared although she wouldn't show it in front of her brothers she hated the fact that they didn't know what was going on. Today had been a long day and all she wanted to do was sleep but ever time she closed her eyes all she could see was that thing eating her father.

About half an hour later they found themselves stuck behind an RV on the highway, it was clear that no one was going to be moving soon so Maria reached for the handle of the passengers side door.

"The hell are you going?" Daryl demanded

"We've been stuck in this car for hours Daryl, I need to get out and stretch my legs, get some fresh air" Maria sighed when she saw Daryl give her the famous Dixon stare "I promise I won't go far, okay?"

Daryl reluctantly nodded as she moved to quickly get out of the truck. She was happy that she could finally stretch her legs and feel the breeze on her face. She looked around and saw that most people had gotten out of their cars at this point probably trying to figure out what was going on. Maria let her thoughts wonder to what would happen when they reached the Atlanta safe zone, she hoped that they would finally get real answers to all of this and why people were killing each other. If what Merle said earlier was true then these weren't just people they were supposedly dead people.

She was pulled from her thoughts by planes flying by overhead, she looked up noticing they were military planes and wondering if they were dropping supplies into Atlanta for everyone. Her question was soon answered though and her thoughts couldn't have been more wrong, they were dropping bombs on the city. She stood there in shock just watching as the military continued to drop bombs all her hope of a safe zone shattering. She couldn't help but think of all the innocent people that were down there and suddenly here fear turned to anger, anger at the people who said everything would be okay, anger at the government for letting this happen and anger at herself for believing them. She couldn't take watching anymore so she ran back to Daryl's truck sliding into the passengers seat and slamming the door closed. Maria looked over at Daryl who was giving her a look of sympathy he knew she was scared so he squeezed her shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay Mar, we'll find somewhere else to go"

She turned to Daryl angered "no Daryl we won't! Clearly this is beyond the government control if they're bombing cities and innocent people. We're screwed!"

A knock came at her window startling Maria, she turned to see a tall man with Dark curly hair standing there. Confused she slowly rolled down the window,

"Hi folks, a few of us are planning on going to a quarry it's a couple of miles away, pretty secluded"

"And?" Maria asked a hint of annoyance in her voice

"Just letting you know In case you wanted to come with, you know where it is?"

"Yeah thanks" the man still continued to stare at her "goodbye then" Maria rolled up her window turning to face her brother who raised his eyebrow at her "he was creeping me out, so you think this quarry is a good idea"

Daryl just shrugged "secluded, water and a forest to hunt in why not? Sure we can put up with these people for a while"

"Okay but I'm staying far away from Mr Creeper over there. I best go tell Merle" she hopped out the truck immediately spotting Merle by the RV talking to some blonde woman who looked liked she'd rather be anywhere else right now. She slowly walked up to him, she wanted to get his attention but didn't really want the attention of the others standing around. She may have been a Dixon but she was much more introverted and shy then her brothers though she was just as tough as them. When she reached Merle she gently pulled his arm but he just shook her off

"Not now little sis I'm getting somewhere here"

The blonde woman scoffed "no you weren't" before she turned and walked away back into the RV. Merle turned around to face his sister

"Ah sis look what ya did, always gotta ruin ma game"

"Merle ya ain't got no game to ruin, plus we're planning on following them to the quarry not to far away from here so please don't piss anyone off"

"Whatever lil sis let's just get going I'm tired" Merle walked away from her and got back on his bike ruffling her hair as he went. Maria groaned fixing her hair before getting back in the truck. They saw an arm wave out the window of the RV as it pulled out of the line of traffic, cars then started following it and when the last car passed Daryl followed behind Merle as they headed to the quarry.

Maria was nervous about going to the quarry and being in close proximity to so many people, she didn't really like people or having to talk to them. Being shy was one of the reasons but the other reason was that she didn't want to get close to people she was afraid that if people got close they would see how messed up and broken she was inside and she didn't want them to see her as weak. The only people that she let close to her were her brothers and she intended to keep it that way.

Roughly an hour later they had all finally made it to the quarry, Daryl parked the truck away from everyone's else's vehicles and she jumped out the passenger seat as she saw everyone gathering. She didn't go over however, she just stood leaning again the closed passenger door where she could just about hear what was being said.

"It's still dark out, so we'll stay in our cars tonight and set up camp properly tomorrow as well as introducing everyone" they creepy guy from earlier said

Daryl leaned over to whisper to his sister "who put mr creeper in charge"

Maria let out a snort of laughter causing some of the group to look her way, she quickly looked down shuffling her feet slightly at the unwanted attention she had caused.

The guy coughed before saying "y'all go ahead and get some sleep, we'll keep turns in watching for any of those...things"

Everyone hurried back to their cars it probably wouldn't be the comfiest night sleep but it was too late to set up a camp now. Merle walked over to stand beside Daryl "who put that prick in charge? I ain't takin' orders from no one but me"

"Relax Merle we probably won't be here for long anyway" Daryl mumbled as he headed back towards the drivers side. Merle turned to his sister

"You okay with taking orders from that prick"

Maria just shrugged "I don't wanna argue Merle it's been a long day can we please just sleep" tomorrow was going to be a busy day and she wanted to get as much rest as she could.

Merle just huffed at her before heading towards the bed of the truck hopping in and making himself comfortable. Maria sighed and got back into the passengers seat, she curled up into a ball and rested her head on the window before falling into a restless sleep filled with nightmares.

A/N: sorry that this chapter is so short but I hope you enjoyed it! Make sure to let me know what you think :)

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