Part 6: Dixon's Aren't Weak

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A month, that's how long it had been since the world went to shit and at this point it looked like it was going to stay that way

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A month, that's how long it had been since the world went to shit and at this point it looked like it was going to stay that way. Camp had now fallen into a daily routine that was slowly driving Maria insane. It was bad enough that she had to be stuck here with people she could barely tolerate but doing the same thing day in day out was making her crazy, she needed to go somewhere else before she snapped.

On the bright side at least she had Dale and Glenn to keep her entertained while she was stuck at camp, sure she had Daryl and Merle but sometimes she needed a break from them. Daryl was okay it was Merle that was the problem. He would constantly get high which made Maria feel uncomfortable, during those times she'd normally go and talk with Glenn by the lake. The lake had become a regular spot for the two of them whenever they wanted to get away from everyone. They would sit there and dip their feet in the cool water and talk, although sometimes they would just sit in a comfortable silence and enjoy the peace while it lasted.

Over the past two weeks the two of them had gotten closer although Maria was clearly still hiding a part of herself from him. She was still scared of letting him get too close, from her experience letting people too close normally ended in disappointment or heartache and Maria wasn't about to let that happen again. She'd had friends before but they never lasted long, either they found out she was a Dixon or they discovered what her home life was like and ran.

Maria was sat by the fire pit sharpening one of the hunting knives that she'd picked up on the run a couple of weeks ago when Glenn came over and sat beside her.


"Hi" Maria glanced at him before going back to cleaning her knife. Glenn cleared his throat before speaking again

"So I'm going on a run today, we're running out of canned food so I volunteered to get more. Do you want to come?"

Maria looked up at Glenn with shock evident on her face at the fact he'd asked her "why me?"

"Because I know you can handle yourself out there" he paused for a second "and because you're my friend and I want you to come with me"

Maria tried to keep a smile from spreading across her face as she pretended to think about it. In truth she wanted to go with him for two reasons; she wanted to get out of camp and she enjoyed going on runs, secondly although she wouldn't admit it she rather enjoyed Glenn's company. "Okay. When do we leave?"

Glenn let a small smile cross his face as he answered her "whenever you're ready"

"Okay let me just grab my bow" Maria got up quickly and made her way to her small tent that was next to her brothers. She thanked God that they were both out hunting today so that she wouldn't have to explain where she was going. She just hoped that she'd be back before their hunting trip was over. Picking up the bow she checked that all the arrows were with it before throwing it over her shoulder.

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