Intermission - The Killers

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>> This was meant to just be a non-canon comedic break from writing, but I ended up tying it in with the next chapter. Enjoy. <<

This killers looked at the campfire from afar. They could never see the survivors until they'd been marked for the next trial. The first to be marked today was Lexie. The Entity seemed to be throwing her at them a lot, perhaps amused by her antics. The moment she appeared, arguing broke out.

"I want this one." The Trapper growled, "I need to see her again."

"Actually, I believe the continuation of my research takes precedence," said the Doctor.

The Wraith growled menacingly and swung his weapon at The Doctor's head, and it bounced off harmlessly, causing the Doctor to cackle. The Entity, of course, would not allow its killers to harm one another.

"You hurt her. She'll fear us now." The Trapper said, glaring through his mask.

"Is she not meant to fear us?" The Doctor inquired, "As I understood our contract, we are tasked with making them feel fear and pain, something at which I, personally, excel."

"All of you only think with your dicks," hissed the Hag, "Let me get this one and have a taste. That will really show her the meaning of pain."

"NO!" all the killers who could speak said in unison. The Wraith simply roared at her.

The Wraith and Trapper exchanged a meaningful look.

"I know what you mean, man," The Trapper said, "These guys don't know how to appreciate her."

The Wraith nodded in reply. The Trapper got him the way the others didn't.

"What about you, Billy?" The Trapper glanced towards the Hillbilly. He was usually pretty quiet, but not incapable of speech like the Wraith.

The Hillbilly looked towards the Campfire. So far, Lexie remained the only one marked. Based on what he'd heard from the others, he wouldn't mind trying his luck with this unusual young woman, but everyone found him terrifying. The sound of his chainsaw always sent them scattering like roaches. Even the ones who were usually pretty cocky with other killers treated him with a bit more caution. The Hillbilly shrugged. Lexie would treat him the same as everyone else did.

That's when The Huntress stepped up. "I want her."

Everyone turned towards her at once. The Wraith let out a questioning snarl and the Trapper followed up with, "What for? Target practice? The girl doesn't know how to run. The Nurse confirmed that. She'd be too easy for you."

The Huntress blushed under her mask, "I want to see... If she'd like me."

The Trapper roared with laughter, "This I gotta see."

The Wraith and Hillbilly both nodded in agreement. The Hag said, "Be sure to let me know if she tastes as good as she looks."

The Doctor shook his head, "I see I am outvoted. Huntress... She's yours. For now."

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