Chapter 6

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The following morning I was woken by the rising sun. I had forgotten to shut my blinds last night, so the morning beams filtered through the windows, making my room look like it was glowing. After several failed attempts to get back to sleep, I eventually gave up and got out of bed. I sleepily made my way downstairs, to find Mum pottering around in the kitchen.

“Morning Lex. You’re up early.”

“Mmm,” I yawned, flopping onto a chair.

“Want some orange juice?”

“That’d be great,” I smiled at her.

I watched her as she poured me a glass of juice from a huge jug and placed it in front of me. I smiled my thanks, and took a large gulp of it.

“Gah!” I exclaimed, my face distorting in disgust. “What the hell is this? It’s bitter as hell!”

“It’s freshly made this morning.”

I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water to try and wash down the bitter after taste that was still in my mouth.

“No offence, but I think I’ll stick to the shop bought stuff.”

Mum tutted. “That stuff has got all sorts in it.”

“It tastes nice!”

She rolled her eyes. “No one is making you drink it, Lex.”

“Thank the Lord for that!”

I helped myself to cereal as Mum asked me about my plans for today. I told her about the conversation I had with Dad and Rob last night, and she agreed with them.

“It might do you both some good.  Of course, you’ll have to talk it out at some point, but if you can spend the day together without ripping each others head off, it might make it easier when you do come to talk about it. Whatever it is.”

I rolled my eyes. She had been trying to get me to tell her what happened between me and Chase since last summer.

“I’ll tell you one day, okay? Just let me sort things out with Chase, and then I’ll tell you.”

Mum pouted. “You used to tell me everything.”

“And I will tell you this, just not right now.”

I grabbed a slice of toast off her plate, and she slapped my hand away. I bit off a corner of my toast and winked at her.


I heard her mutter something as I headed back up the stairs. As much as she pretended to be annoyed at me, I knew that she wasn’t. I’d been stealing toast off of her plate for years. The shower was running when I passed the bathroom to get to my bedroom. It was probably Chris using all the hot water as usual. Lucky for him I didn’t need a shower ‘til after I got back. I stuck my head around the door to the spare room to check in on Casey. Seeing that she was still sound asleep, I quietly shut the door and headed to my room. I quickly pulled on a bikini and a pair of shorts, before slapping on some sun screen. I took out my earrings (I’d lost countless pairs from falling off a jet ski in the past), and jogged downstairs. Mum said goodbye as I headed out of the back door. I glanced over at the Richard’s house and wondered if Rob had told Chase about my offer to let him join me this morning. From the outside, it looked like everyone was still asleep, but Alex’s blinds were open, so I knew he was awake. I made my way down to the jetty and smiled when I saw Jake setting up.

“Lex!” He grinned at me, when he finally saw me.

“Hey Jake,” I smiled back, throwing my arms around his neck when he pulled me in for a hug.

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