part two

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"Rosewood, you're late." Mr. Styles said, not looking up from his stack of papers. "Again."

I rolled my eyes and took my usual seat next to Els, and I looked up to him so I could recite some stupid excuse and not get in trouble. It was the second week of school and I was late to his class a few times, usually for actual good reasons, but not always.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Styles, but there was a line for the restroom." I said in a fake sweet voice, pretending to be flustered about having to pee. I was technically in the toilet and I wasn't lying about the line, but I was making out with William. Styles rolled his eyes but didn't say he'd write me up so I smirked victoriously and pulled out my notebooks for English.

"Kai you have to get another excuse." Els told me with a smile, before showing me that they had been doing exercises for word formation. I rolled my eyes and opened my notebook, turning to Els and smiling at her. 

"Because why again?" I questioned, quickly copying her work and adding some mistakes so it wouldn't be obvious. 

"Well he's not stupid you know." she explained and I scoffed, raising a brow at her.

"Els, that is so debatable." I challenged and she laughed, showing off her perfect smile and I smirked; she usually never really laughed and I loved it when she did. I caught glimpse of Mr. Styles glaring at us and I stuck out my tongue at him, making him raise his eyebrows but he decided to ignore me and went back to work; shortly after I've done it, I realized how stupid I looked. I shrugged it off and leaned back in my chair, doodling on the side of my notebook.

"Els." I whispered and she turned towards me, letting me know I had her attention. I sat up straighter and leaned forward so it wasn't obvious I was talking. "I really wanna get drunk this weekend." I told her and she rolled her eyes, continuing her work. I raised my brows at her and I know she could feel my stare because a few moments later she sighed, dropping her pen.

"My parent's aren't home so yeah, I guess we can go clubbing." Els told me and I fist-bumped her, smiling in content. "But please, let it be just us. I don't want to clean vomit off of the walls again." she said in a stern voice and I nodded.

"It was one time and I'm really sorry that Becky vomited all over your floor. Just us two this week, I promise." I told her and she smiled, continuing her work. I was about to start doing my work, but before I could pull my notebook towards me, someone else snatched it up. I glanced over and was met with Mr. Styles standing next to our desk and he had my notebook in his hand. His brows were furrowed as he read my notes.

I crossed my arms over my chest and sent him glares, and eventually he let my notebook fall down on my desk. He sighed and went back to his desk, sitting down. He started typing on his computer and I sighed in relief, because he once again let me off the hook without any trouble.

"Stay after class, Mrs. Rosewood." he said and broke the silence of the class. I muttered an 'okay' and the class was no longer silent, because tiny whispers were heard of people speculating what I did again to be held after class. I didn't mind it today because now I actually had a reason to be late. I glanced at my phone and because there were only ten minutes left, I decided to lounge the rest of the class. I didn't need to do the work, I never did do it in class.

Soon enough the bell rang and everyone piled out of the classroom, including Els. She said she would wait for me but I told her that she can go ahead because I don't want her to be late. Hypocritical much? Yes, but she was my baby and I needed to take care of her. I put my books into my bag and stood up from my chair, approaching Mr. Styles. He was still doing some paper work when I came to his table and I realized he was grading tests. After a few seconds, he noticed my presence and he looked up, closing his pen.

"Mrs. Rosewood, do you remember what I told you last week, when I first taught your class?" he asked and I could her the authority in his voice. I sighed and nodded, letting him continue his would-be-lecture that I knew was coming. "Can you tell me what it was, because I again, think you're lying to me." he sighed and I smiled, trying to recall his exact words.

"We shouldn't be skipping your lessons, being late and you hate lying, Mr. Styles." I told him and leaned on one of the tables behind me. Mr. Styles smiled and nodded, rubbing his temples. I tilted my head and silently waited for what was to come next.

"What else?" He asked and I rolled my eyes; I hated this. It was supposed to make me feel bad but all it did was annoy me and I wanted to just get my stuff and leave, but I knew it would only cause me trouble, so I stayed put. Crossing my arms over my chest I sighed, again.

"That not following your rules would lead to consequences." I added and he nodded a few times. He looked up at me and it was almost as if his green eyes were staring directly into my thoughts. I felt vulnerable and I adverted my gaze to the blackboard behind him. His chair slid across the floor as he stood up and towered in front of me.

"You haven't been following my rules these past two weeks and I thought it was going to stop, but you just keep breaking more and more rules. Because of that, I want you to meet me here after school for detention. Bring your English notebooks, you'll have to catch up on the work you've missed." Mr. Styles told me and I was enraged, honestly. Why does he care? He doesn't know my grades yet and unless I'm failing, me being a couple of minutes late shouldn't matter to him. I wanted to punch him because I had a feeling all he wanted to do was get under my skin, but instead I simply nodded and picked up my bag. I walked towards the door before I could explode. When I heard him call my name, I turned back around and waited.

"Oh and Mrs. Rosewood, do not be late."

I was so going to be late, just to spite him.

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