Chapter 13

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You couldn't fall asleep, you had eaten to many snacks that you had so much energy. So you decided that you should go on a late night run, so you put on some tights and a sweatshirt. Grabbed your headphones a bottle water, put on your running shoes and headed out the door.

Your jog went from being a 1 mile run to 2 mile then to a 3 mile jog. When you reached the 3 miles you saw a park and decided that you should take a short breather then head back to the apartment, shower then go to bed. The way the park look like at night was really pretty, you adored how the trees looked like under the moon the light. You saw a swing set and started making your way towards the swing set.

You noticed that someone was sitting on a swing and could hear them talking to themselves. You didn't want to eavesdrop on what they were saying so you decided to just go back to your apartment till you heard, "Y/N....... I like you too". You stopped in tracks and turned to see who was saying that.
"I'm sorry Y/N I get jealous easily..... I would tell you this in person but I think you hate me a lot.... and I'm sorry". You started walking slowly to the person who was confessing their feelings to you.
"I don't like it when Jimin talks about you. In fact I hate it. I hate it, i want you all to myself, selfish right?"

"Taehyung?" You said.

Taehyung turned around and jumped up when he saw you.

"Y/N? Wh-wh-what are you doing here? It's late you shouldn't be here it's not safe" he said. "Also..... much did you hear?"

"I heard all of it... noisy right?" You said.

"Uhhhhh.... yea..... but I'm glad you heard me because I don't think I would even be able to tell you this in person. To be honest".

"Well I should go now.... I have work tomorrow" you started to slowly walk away.

"Wait Y/N.... let me walk you home, please" He asked.

You nodded and he started to make his way towards you. You both started walking but no one was talking, the only thing that was making noise was your headphones and it was playing "Hard Carry", you started humming to the song and to your surprise Taehyung started humming too. You smiled at how cute he was and continued on your way home.

A few minutes later you saw your apartment complex, you stopped and turned to Taehyung saying, "I can walk by myself now... I don't want to be a bother to you".

He looked at you really confused,"what?"

"Jimin told me that you said I was a bother to you, so I don't want to bother you anymore so I can walk by myself." You started walking by yourself till you felt a hand your wrist.

"Y/N. I never said that. You are never a bother to me. Why would I go over every day to see you if you were a bother to me? Why would I go get you when you were drunk at a restaurant and your co workers called me to get you? You not a bother to me Y/N, and even if you were I wouldn't mind. If it's you I wouldn't mind at all" he said pulling you close to him.

You stopped and looked at him in the eyes and said,"then why would Jimin tell me that?"

"Jimin is trying to make conflict between us because he knows I li- never mind".

You looked at home really confused, you walked up to him put you hands on cheeks and said "because you what".

"I like you Y/N. I like you so much it's kind of crazy. I got so attached to you that it freaked me out. I get jealous when your with Jimin and when Jimin says he's going to make you his, when I should be one making you mine. I know that I've been rude and mean but I don't mean it. It's just my jealously and I'll work on it I swear it".

You looked at him and smiled and said, "do you want to come over and have some tea with me?"

"I would love too".

You both started making your way to your apartment, when you punched in your code, took off your shoes and Taehyung sat on the table. You turned and looked him,"I'm going to take a shower the TV has a movie in it or you can choose a movie and watch it till I get out". He nodded in agreement, you went off to the shower.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Taehyung POV~~~~~~~~~~

I waited till I heard the restroom door close, I wanted to make her favorite tea, since she was probably going to end up making it. She takes a while in showers so I'll have enough time. I started preparing the water and put the ingredients in the pot and waited for it. I looked over at the TV set and saw that she had a few movies, I started looking to see which movies she had and to my surprise she had "Wolf Children". This is one of my favorite movies so I put in the DVD player and waited for Y/N to get out of the shower.

I would go and check the the tea making sure it was coming along well. When I th was ready I poured myself and Y/N a cup, and took it to the living room. Waiting for Y/N to get out of the shower.

I heard the water stop and waited for Y/N to come out.

"Okay I'm don- Tae did you make it already?"

I smiled at her cute expression, "Yes I did take a seat we're going to watch a movie together okay?"

She nodded and took a seat on the sofa. She grabbed the coffee mug and looked at the TV, waiting to see what movie was going to play. I grabbed the remote sat down next to her and. Pressed play.

"Wolf Children? I love this movie" she said happily. I love it when I see her smile, it makes my heart go weak.

"Yep this is also one of my favorite movies" I said back to her. I put my arm around her shoulder. I could tell she got a little tense, I saw her from the corner of my eye, she looked up at me and smiled. She started getting comfortable but I was worried that she would hear my beat.

*45 mins later*

I felt a vibration in my pocket and that's when I realized I fell asleep at Y/N's apartment. Don't even know how it happened but we ended up laying down on the sofa with Y/N cuddled up so close to me. I smiled at how cute she looked. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw a message from Jungkook and Jimin.

  From: 졍곡
         Hyung where are you it's 1 am?

From: 지민
      Where you at? Jungkook is looking for you.

I responded to Jungkook first:

    To: 졍곡
        I'm at a friends house, in sleeping here, I'll        
        see you tomorrow.

Now Jimin;
     To: 지민
          At my girlfriends house

I put my phone on the table and saw the time, on the DVD player, 1:30 am. I decided that I should pick up the coffee mugs and turn off the TV for Y/N. I also thought that I should clean up her kitchen since I was the one who made the tea.

After 20 mins I came back to see Y/N shivering, I didn't know where the blankets were and I wanted Y/N to sleep comfortably so I decided to help her walk to her room. She just hugged me the whole time which I thought was really cute.  I laid her down on the bed and went to go turn off the lights in her apartment. I made my way back to Y/N's room and laid down next to her, she was facing me the way she looked stole my heart. I could look at her forever and not get tired of it. I kissed her forehead and whispered, "I think I'm falling in love with you". I placed my hand on her waist and started dozing off to sleep.

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