Chapter 3.-You call that a duel?

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Nicole's POV:

,,Aren't there security around this part of town?I mean i barely escaped from them yesterday."I said as we walked normaly on the street not hiding at all,,Nope.I didn't see one here fow a month or mo..."He didn't even finish his sentence when we heard some voice yelling,,Hey you two!" Yusei turned around and greeted the man.Some old man ran to us little after.,,Care to introduce me?" ,,Oh..Tanner this is Nicole.And this is Yanagi."Yusei pointed,,Nice to meet you"I smiled at them.,,Yusei is this your girlfriend or something?She sure is hot"Tanner said and I blushed like crazy,,No you got it wrong!Security was chasing her and she just came in my garage when the doors weren't locked"Tanner looked at him suspiciously.,,Right...wanna come with us we were heading to eat something" ,,Sure"I answered and we started walking.


,,Wow i didnt think a girl could eat that much"Yusei said as I ate my third plate full of food.,,Whaaa?I didn't eat yesterday all day!"I whined and all of them laughed.I pouted,,Don't lauuugh" ,,Sure thing"Tanner said still laughing.,,Shit!"Yus stood up,,What?" ,,Look over there" I looked where he pointed.Shit!

There is a security guy going around trying to find..,,Has anyone seen Nicole Atlas and Yusei Fudo around here?!"us..He yelled that and his eyes set on us.,,Found ya"We started running but he sat on his bike and soon stopped in front os us blocking our way,,C'mon you are arrested."He said,,I'm never gonna come with you willingly"I spited and he laughed,,Okay lets make a deal.One of you duels with me and if I win..You are coming with me willingly and if you win..I will let you go" ,,Deal".,,Who's gonna duel?"Guy smirked,,I am"I said, activated my duel disc and put my deck inside.,,So little girl wanna go to jail first ha?"Guy laughed,,Save your jokes for yourself.You are not interesting" ,,Sattelite brat tells me!" I squized my teeth and he got down from his bike and activated his duel disc.,,Duel!"We said in union.

,,I will take the first move.My turn,draw!"I said.,,I summon Dance Princess of the Ice barrier in attack mode!(ATK:1700) And i finish my turn."

,,My turn.I summon gate blocker in defence position(DEF:2000) putting a face down ending my turn"

,,Hm no attacking?This is gonna be easy"I said ,,My turn.I summon Strategist of the Ice Barrier in attack mode.Then his effect activates.Every turn I can send as many Ice Barrier moster's from my hand to draw one card for each of them.I will send this one."I showed him Spellbraker of the Ice Barrier and send it to the Graveyard and drawed.,,Then I activate spell card Axe of Despair and equip it to dance princess.It gets 1000 ATK(ATK:2700)"

,,But you can't harm me you must attack gate blocker and because he's in defence mode i won't get any damage!"Guard laughed but I just shook my head,,Nope.When card is equiped with Axe of Despair it deals damage to the player even if it attacs a monster in defence mode.Dance Princess attack his gate blocker!"I said.Please let me control you.I taught but with no use.Dance Princess destroyed his monster but when he got damage he got a scrach on his arm too.Damn it!His life points went to 3300.,,My turn!I summon Pursuit Chaser in defence mode!(DEF:600)ending my turn" he said.,,What the..are you trying to make me laugh?Okay I will give you one more turn..try to impress me"I said and smirked when he gasped.,,My turn!Draw!I summon Defender of the Ice Barrier in attack mode(ATK:200).Hmm I think I will just finish you in this turn..Ugh sorry.I'm tuning my Defender to my Strategist to synchro summon...Gungnir,Dragon of the Ice Barrier!(ATK:2500)"Guard almost stopped breathing when my dragon appeared and I just smirked.,,Then Gungnir's affect activates!I can send as many cards from my hand to destroy that number of cards on your field and you cannot activate any trap or spell or magic card till the end of my turn.Now i send 2 cards and destroy you Pursuit what-ever and your face down!"His cards destroyed,,Now I attack dirrectly with Dance Princess and Gungnir!"He lost all his life points.

,,I cant believe Satelite scum beat me!"Guard said,,Well,believe"I smirked.

,,Let's go guys..this one won't bother us anymore"I grabed Yusei's arm pulling him to start walking.Tanner smirked at us and I blushed.,,You duel good Niki"Yus said,,Niki?"I raised an eyebrow,,Your new nickname"Yus smiled,,Whatever..lets go back"Yusei nodded.,,Sure but I'm dueling next security guy" ,,Okayyy"I chuckled.

We contined walking and I noticed we are passing next to a lake...And Yusei is very close to the edge..I pushed him and he fell right in the water not expecting it ,,WHAT THE HELL NICOLE"he yelled as I was rolling on the floor laughing.,,Come here!"He pulled me by my arm and I fell right next to him,,Yusei!!!Oh my God my clothes!!!"I screamed as Yusei was laughing his ass off.,,Oh this means waaar"I yelled and jumped on him causing his head to go under the water.He pushed me off and got up.My tummy hearts so much from laughing,,Your hair!hahahah I-i can't..hahahahah its- its so funny hahahahahah"Yusei growled and pushed me under the water.I got up,,shit!"My red hair is soaked wet,,I just washed it!"Yusei chuckled and I splashed him.I started shaking.,,Are you cold Niki?Lets get outta water"Yusei pulled me out of the water and we ran back to his house.Tanner and old man are no where to be seen.Guess they just left while we were in the lake.

,,There you go"Yusei throw a blanket over me.I already showered but I think I caught a fever.,,Thanks.You can go now I'm okay"I said and whipped my nose,,Nope..I'm here till you fall asleep"He sat next to me and I put my head in his lap.He played with my hair 'till I fell asleep...


Soooo what do you think?

I taught i should put in some dueling this us Yugioh  we are talking about! *-*

What do you think about Nicole's deck?

What do you think about the story?


soo till the next chapter..

byee :*

lyallsm! ♥




it would mean so much to me :D


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