Chapter 1

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Author's note:
I will not be putting any faces to my characters in this book. I like my readers to have the freedom to make them look however they want in their heads although I will give a brief detailed description on all of my characters.

"You can do this Hailey you can do this" I quietly chanted to myself as I walked (to a normal person) a short distance between my car and my new home room but what felt to me like the never ending path of fire. I was anxious, scared, excited, overjoyed and every emotion in between for my first day of being a senior in high school. You see I skipped grade nine as a result of me passing all 8 of my BJC's with C's or above. A small reward my school's accelerated program gave us for our hard work. So instead of turning 17 this year like everyone else and graduating in the year of me turning 18, I was just turning 16 and was going to be graduating right before I turned 17.
     It might seem awesome at first because who wouldn't want to skip a whole year of school but trust me, it was anything but. My group of friends were called the AP's and treated like outcasts just because other students in our grade thought that we believed that we were better than them.
    This most definitely wasn't the case. If they just sat down and talked to us, they would realize that we were really some of the coolest people you could ever meet. My closest circle of friends included Allison, my best friend of three years who I sadly had to leave in a lower grade because she did not skip with me; Deshawn who I called my brother, Deanna, the craziest chick alive, Kyle, who we really couldn't live without, Peter, my friend with a mouth like a sailor, Samantha, who is like a little sister to me, Reagan, the boy who has broken my heart more than once, Layla, oh boy and Cyan, my spirit animal, the girl who I could not live without.
   These people were more than friends, I considered them family. As I walked into my AP classroom I thought about the drama that this year would  hold. I thought about my classmates who in a few months, I would be saying goodbye to. The people that I grew to love, others pretty much leaning on the hate side but none the less, they would be gone.
  Peter was the first one I saw. I literally squeezed the breathe out of him because by the time a few seconds had passed he was hitting my arm signaling that he needed air. "I missed you" I basically whined.
"I missed you too. I just reach and tired of this shit hole."
"Real talk jred. I wanna go back home and lay in my bed!" Peter chuckled at this, shaking his head as he always did.
"You see anybody else yet?" Patrick scoffs.
"Kaitlyn, you really think I into seeing any of those stupid chiren."
"My bad man, I forget you damn all them to hell" I say with a ghost of a smile on my lips. You see Peter despised school and everything about it. He hated it from the first day he stepped on the loose gravel of New Providence Academy some 12 years ago. To be honest with you, I don't even know how the kid was still alive. He had a rough home life, not getting along with his father, and when I say "not getting along" I use the term lightly. He hated the man. On top of that he had the hardest mouth in Nassau, if he didn't die from diabetes with all the sugar he inhaled on the daily, I was sure someone would beat him to death. Peter was literally a walking skeleton. Tall, slanky, with a light complexion and the longest toes, I have ever seen. I loved him though, so if anybody was planning on beating him, they would have to work twice as hard to beat us both.
After telling Peter that I would be right back, I heading outside to see some familiar faces after a long summer. Every few people I passed, I hailed. That was just me. There was only one person that my stomach flipped at the thought of seeing. It was the boy that made this summer the worst of them all. You see I have been madly in love with this stupid boy for four years but he never noticed me for something more.
Back in May:
It was a Friday night. "Wow I cannot believe that I was selected as a usher for senior graduation. This is going to be so much fun. One more step closer to me finally becoming a prefect" I said to myself. Every one of the graduates looked beautiful. Some of my friends who had also been chosen, congratulated then on this big accomplishment. While the ceremony went on, my friends and I played around and screamed when someone we liked name was called to accept their diploma. The entire night Reagan played around with me. He made me laugh and flirted with me. Even went so far to sneak me a few hugs here and there. It was the perfect night for me but the night didn't stop there. When we got home, we spoke for hours, texting back and forth. I felt as though this summer things were going to kick off for sure. To my surprise and I assure to yours I woke up Monday with a delightful surprise. My best friend at the time, Richard, told me to check Raegan's Snapchat. I wasn't suspicious of anything, too happy of the last few days. On his Snapchat was a date, finished off with twin pink hearts. I thought nothing of it because I had never heard of Reagan being in a relationship, so I brushed it off. My stubborn male friend was not easily distracted. He searched until he found a mirroring post. The grim reaper was a girl who had just graduated, her name was Camille and she was three years older than us. She was nothing much in my eyes and quite frankly I was pretty offended. My heart shattered, the amount of betrayal and hurt that I felt was unbelievable. I could not believe how he led me on and the thing is he did not ever have the guts to tell me. He acted as though nothing was different when we spoke later that day. I was embarrassed because everyone knew I was head over heels for him except him. I was angry and my heart hardened. For weeks I posted shady snaps and had a bitter spirit. 3 months went pass and I was slowly losing myself, growing more bitter as the days went on, hardening my heart until it was stone, until no one could get in ever again.
Present Day :
From that Day I decided to distance myself from him. I invited him to my birthday party because we were still friends but you would have to be absolutely retarded not to feel the tension that was between us. I hated it.
Lost in my thought, I did not even realize when I stepped foot into Mrs.Grayson's classroom. She was a spunky, Jamaican women and to be honest she was the perfect senior teacher. She loved drama but yet she knew when enough was enough. In the time that I was in class, I saw Layla, Samantha, Deanna, Cyan, Deshawn and Kyle. I gave all of them standard hugs and the traditional "I missed you" but my mind was somewhere else.
  The anticipation was killing me, I know I shouldn't care but I did. As much as I hated to admit it, I missed him. I haven't seen him in 2 months and the tension around me was beginning to be too much. I decided to turn around and stop watching the door because my obsession was unhealthy and I needed to focus on my other friends who I really did miss dearly. After a few minutes my butterflies settled but of course life wasn't that easy. My heart plummeted through my anus to my toes as I heard the words leave Mrs.Grayson's mouth,
"Raegan, how nice of you to join us young people, seeing as you have taken an interest in an older crew as of late".

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