Chapter 2

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Time froze as I slowly turned in my chair, anticipation, excitement and dread all fighting for the spotlight in my heart. In the door way, with his mouth agape to our very blunt teacher was the love of my life, Mr.Heartbreaker himself. He was just as I remembered, tall, approximately six foot two, caramel skin that had darkened to a mocha because of the hot summer and chocolate brown eyes that were somehow different from anything I had ever looked upon.
My eyes finally found their way to his head that sported a low key mohawk fade. The hair cut was against school rules but somehow he made it seem like gospel. There were rumors, in fact I wouldn't even say rumors because everyone knew it was true. Raegan was going to be appointed Head Boy of the school. He was perfect for the spot, athletic, charming, respectful and every teacher practically wanted him to be their son.
If you had told me that a year ago, I would have politely laughed in your face. Deshawn was suppose to be our Head Boy, he was the pride and joy of our small school bound to be Valedictorian. Unfortunately though, he was kissing Layla in the chapel last year and someone snitched on him which resulted in both of them being suspended and stripped of their prefect badges, never being able to be appointed ever again. Pretty dramatic for just some lip action right?
You see we attend a Baptist school. A very strict school that was set on us being gay, ironic. I know what you're thinking but that's not what I meant. Any type of boy and girl contact was forbidden. Of course you could talk and laugh with one another but if you were even seen touching that person's hand, you risked being sent to the Principal's office. Anyways Layla and Deshawn was unbothered because they continued to be together even though Deshawn's mother did not like Layla in the slightest. Don't get me wrong, Layla was a beautiful girl, one of my best friends. She had pretty brown hair, a full chest, a pretty smile, sadly no booty but the girl was slower than WiFi in a crowed mall.
She is one of the friendliest people you will ever meet but there is only so much lack of intelligence one person can take. I was there from the beginning of their love story. At first Deshawn saw nothing in Layla, he was focused on shape, and she didn't have the one he wanted. She was crushing on him from grade 10. In the summer of Grade 11 something magical happened because the next thing I knew,Deshawn was calling me at twelve o' clock in the night telling me how much he loved her. She most certainly put a spell on him. I heard it in his voice, he was a goner. Now where ever you see one, the other isn't far behind.
Snapping out of my Day dream, I quickly looked away before we could make eye contact. Before I did though, I saw his mouth curve upward into a small smile and my heart fluttered. There was a chorus of laughter from the class from what Mrs.Grayson had said. Thankfully all the seats by me were taken so he had no choice but to sit about two rows to my left, closer to the board. I was pleased because that way I could skillfully throw daggers at him with my mind without having to worry about catching a heart attack from one look.
The class continued to whisper about his new girlfriend but I tuned everyone out not really interested obviously. When the first bell rang, everyone settled themselves and got prepared to do pledges.
"Would anyone like to come to the front to start the pledges" Mrs.Grayson asked kindly.
Slowly three people who I did not care to notice slipped to the front. All of them in one line straight across. After we did pledges and sang, Mrs.Grayson spoke to us for a bit.
          "Wow you all are Seniors now, I remember teaching most of you in primary school. I can't believe it. This year is not going to be easy but I want you to try your best yanno. Do what you have to do to achieve your goals. Some of us have already achieved some goals," she eyed Raegan. Everyone caught on and immediately started snickering once again.
             "Raegan can take it man. That's why I can say those things, he knows I love him. Only me is allowed to bully him like that".
       Raegan looked down at the ground as though it was the most interesting thing that he had ever seen. Simply shaking his head at our teacher's shenanigans.
             The second bell rang signaling that it was time to start another year of hell. All of the AP students headed to our second home room where we continued to converse.
         "Pety boyyy" Henry said slapping Peter on his arm. Peter dramatically grabbed his arm,    "Boy what wrong with you bei!"
"I missed you pety baby"
"Oh Fuck off"
"Where to Pety?"
"Anywhere but here, you black piece of shit!"
           "No Peterrr!!" Deshawn shouted. He was the saint of us all. Always trying to keep the peace and discourage us from using bad words but Peter was not one to mess with.
"That's Henry, why you don't say nothing to him"
"Henry calm that down please" Deshawn pleaded.
"Yes Lord, whatever you want oh Holy one" Henry mocked.
            The boys in our class would usually compare Deshawn to God because of how unbelievably perfect he almost was. He never cursed, always got A's in class, and he never had a negative energy towards anything. He was the father of our group, to be honest with you it was more like grandfather. He had an old soul and I think that's why everyone who met him automatically wanted to be close to him and become his friend. He was what every mother wanted for their daughter, home.
       I watched the back and forth banter between the boys with humor in my eyes. The year just started and I could already see that it was going to be a long one. We chose our seats so that we were sitting in this order from right to left: Kyle, Kelly, Deshawn, Deanna, myself, Cyan, Peter, Tyler, Debbie, Brent, Henry, Jordan and lastly Raegan. If I looked straight ahead, I could see him in the corner of my eye. If I turned my head slightly to the left, I could look straight at him. It was torture and heaven all in one situation. I sat at my desk and inspected the classroom. It was s good size and felt strangely like home. I knew from that moment on that the room would hold many dear memories for the thirteen of us. Some memories good, some bad but all would be undoubtedly unforgettable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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