Rule Two: Keep Your Hands To Yourself

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Namjoon chuckled as he stood in Seokjin's cubicle. He was pestering Seokjin, already done with his work as usual. He kept playing with Seokjin's hair, making it stick out in every direction."This looks so funny, Hyung." Namjoon was so amused. Though, it would be more amusing if Seokjin gave some sort of reaction. He wasn't though. Seokjin just kept concentrating on his work, despite how much Namjoon was trying to annoy him.

Though after a while, he did finally speak."You know, Namjoon, it is rude to not keep your hands to yourself."

"But why should I keep my hands to myself?" Namjoon didn't see the fun in that.

"Bothering other people while they're trying to work is rude." Seokjin let out a sigh."Do you need to be taught how to keep your hands to yourself?"

That was answered by someone other than Namjoon."I think he does."

Namjoon quickly spun around and saw Yoongi standing by the cubicle."Uh, sorry?" He wasn't really sure if he should apologize or not. After all, he was done with all of his work. Though, he supposed he shouldn't be pestering Seokjin like this.

Yoongi beckoned Namjoon with one finger."Come to my office."

A little excitement surged through Namjoon's body as he followed his boss to his office. He was hoping to get some kind of kinky punishment. It had been a little over a week since he started entering his boss's office to give him blowjobs. Maybe it was time for something more."Am I in trouble, Yoongi-hyung?" he asked once they were alone in the office.

"Yes, you are." Yoongi started moving things off of his desk, putting everything away neatly."I think you need to be punished."

"Punished?" Namjoon was giddy at the thought of Yoongi punishing him."How will you punish me?"

Yoongi chuckled lightly."I'm not going to punish you." He opened a small drawer in his desk and pulled out a small bottle."You're going to punish yourself while I watch."

"What?" Namjoon wasn't sure if he fully understood.

Finding amusement in Namjoon's clueless demeanor, Yoongi held the small bottle out to him."Here's some lube." Now that his desk had nothing on it, he rolled the chair back a bit and seated himself."Strip. Get on the desk, face me, and touch yourself."

Okay, this was going to be embarrassing for Namjoon. Sure, he was totally used to sucking Yoongi's dick by now, but he had never been exposed to the older man before. Not only was his boss going to be seeing him naked for the first time, but he was expected to touch himself while the other man watched."Can't I just touch you?" he asked, hoping to get out of this punishment.

"No, Namjoon." Yoongi put his hands together on his lap, being comfortable in his chair."You need to learn to keep your hands to yourself. Now get undressed. We don't have all day."

Namjoon wasn't exactly opposed to this, but he was nervous. He didn't have confidence in his body. Still, he did as he was told. He set the lube atop the desk then shyly began to remove his clothes, dropping the articles to the floor. Namjoon knew he must be blushing as Yoongi was watching him. Once he got fully undressed, he stepped around the desk to put himself in front of Yoongi."A-are you sure about this?" he asked as he lifted himself up onto the desk.

Yoongi could tell Namjoon was uneasy. He didn't understand why."Namjoon, relax. It's just us." His tone was softer than usual."You've pleased me. Now I'm just wanting you to please yourself. You can do that, right?"

"But my body..." Namjoon lowered his gaze in shame.

"Your body is perfect." Yoongi stated factually."If I didn't like your body, you wouldn't be sitting naked on my desk right now."

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