Rule Seven: Don't Date Your Boss

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It was getting a bit concerning for Seokjin as he couldn't ignore the fact that Namjoon had been sitting on the floor within his cubicle so quietly for the past half hour. He seemed to be thinking deeply about something, and Seokjin didn't know why Namjoon wasn't doing this thinking in his own cubicle."Is there something you need to say to me?" he wondered. Perhaps he was needed for something, and Namjoon was just hesitating for some reason.

Namjoon looked up at Seokjin and sighed."Hyung, you used to work directly under Jungkook, right? In his part of the building?"

Seokjin had not expected that question, and he didn't know what brought it up for discussion."Yes, I did. Why do you ask?"

"I, um..." Namjoon lowered his gaze and fidgeted with his fingers."I'm just wondering what it's like to work for him. Is Jungkook, like, super strict?"

"He's only as strict as he needs to be." Seokjin answered. He stopped what he was doing and turned in his chair to face Namjoon."And you should call him Mr. Jeon. He's much higher up on the chain than you are."

With a heavy sigh, Namjoon frowned."Yeah, I know." To lighten his own mood, he decided to say something inappropriate."What do you think Taehyung calls him?" he wondered."Daddy? No, that's cringe."

"I highly doubt he calls him daddy. Neither of them seem like the type to be into that." Seokjin already knew that Taehyung was sleeping with Jungkook, so it wasn't news to him."Taehyung seems like the type to enjoy cuter pet names, like babe or sugar."

"Kim Namjoon, report to my office." Yoongi's voice came over the intercom. He definitely didn't sound pleased."Now."

"What have you done now, Joon?" Seokjin asked as he rolled his eyes.

Rising up from the floor, Namjoon stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants."I'll tell you later." Making his way to the boss' office, Namjoon took a deep breath then let it out slowly, trying to calm his frazzled nerves. After a moment, he lifted a hand and knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

Namjoon opened the office door and saw Yoongi sitting up straight with his hands folded atop his desk. The boss looked very unhappy. Closing the door, Namjoon knew this was a discussion for just the two of them. He stepped over to Yoongi's desk and couldn't make himself initiate eye contact."I know we need to talk about this."

"You're damn right." Yoongi's tone came out angry, but he was actually feeling a mixture of emotions about this."You filed a request to transfer?"

Yoongi's tone made Namjoon feel like he was shrinking. He felt small under the aura of his boss' authority. He didn't usually feel this way, but he understood that Yoongi was unhappy about his request to transfer."Yoongi-hyung, I--"

"It's Mr. Min." Yoongi interrupted with a dark tone.

That hurt Namjoon, but he figured his boss was pushing authority over him in anger, separating himself from the one who caused him to be unhappy."Mr. Min, I have a good reason for requesting this transfer. Please let me explain."

Wanting an explanation more than anything, Yoongi loosened up just a little."I'm listening."

"I want to transfer to work under Mr. Jeon because..." Namjoon was so nervous about saying this. He didn't know if this was going to end well. All he could do was hope for the best."I..." Forcing himself to look directly at Yoongi, he made himself speak."I'm selfish, Sir. I want to be more than what we are now. I don't want to be just your office fling anymore."

This certainly took Yoongi by surprise."You want to be more? Elaborate." He needed to hear this.

Seeing that his boss' expression wasn't quite as stern now, Namjoon started to think that things might turn out okay."I want to actually date you. We can't do that if I remain here. If we try to date publicly, we'll both lose our jobs for breaking policy."

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