His memories. (Chapter 4)

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Ira's POV -

"What do you mean I have a crush on her" I nearly scream, but I don't, I don't want to alert Marmo and Bel.

"I mean like her, but more than a friend" Regina says calmly.

This can't be happening, I think as I'm walking down the hallway. No way can I have a crush on Rachel. She's the enemy for crying out loud! No, that can't be it, those feelings must be from back when I had amnesia. Ya, that's it!That must be it, I even told the little dog thing thank you when he made fun of my arm being hurt, I must have been diluted, I'm never that nice to anything before! I'm not even nice, now... "Ah!"

*Start Of Flashback*
I'm walking down a fancy hallway with tons of doors leading to somewhere I don't recall. There's mirrors in between every other door, as I catch a glimpse at my reflection, I notice that I'm wearing particularly unusual clothing. It looks to be the stuff that royals wear. I also notice that I'm heading to the room at the end of the corridor which I somehow know is the dining room. I open the door to see... nobody ? Somehow I'm not surprised at the fact that I'm alone and I start preparing the table as people start pouring into the room. My brain recognizes them as... my family !?!

My "mom" comes over to me and plants a kiss on my head saying thanks for setting the table. When everyone is seated, people in fancy suits come in with the food as they place the first course in front of me and my "family". We all say thank you to them and start to eat. I, between eating and getting served, managed to have conversations with my family members. Even as I talk to them though, I notice that I'm not really the one talking to them, it's more as if I'm watching myself talk to them. I don't have control of my body I'm just watching my body do stuff in first person, like a recording. As I'm talking, I become aware of the atmosphere around me, it feels happy, warm, bubbly almost overwhelming.

Suddenly, I'm engulfed in a dark purple cylinder and it transports me to what looks like a throne room. On the throne is a man, but not really a man. He looks... devilish. I can't think of anything else to say except that he kinda has horns on the top of his head.

"Hmm... so this is the one that has the purists heart in the kingdom? Interesting... I can see the potential of this one." The Man says "but of what purity is the heart?" He seems to peer into my chest. "Tsk a pure one, you don't see many of those theses days, a heart that has never had one selfish, greedy, or self absorbent thought is rare to come by, I guess I should change that"

I'm hit with a beam of pure black energy, I scream in pain. As I start to black out I see the strange man's face break out into a malicious grin, murmuring something along the lines of "your name will be... Ira."

*End Of Flashback*

Regina's POV-

I hear a scream a few minutes after Ira came to talk to me and as I peek in the hallway I see Ira collapsed on the floor. I get really worried about him cause I know what's happening.

This has happened once before, a lesser soldier had collapsed and I saw him be dragged out, I never saw him again. I remember that I asked my dad what happened and he told me that he had gotten some of his memories back so he had to be taken away. I never asked what happened to him but I have a feeling that it wasn't pretty, so I have to make sure that no one finds out.

I pick him up and bring him to his room. I set him down and am going to leave but he starts shaking so I say by his bed to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself. After he stopped shaking, I decided to go to the kitchen to get a wet cloth and some ice for when he wakes up. When I came back, I found out that Ira woke up.

"Ira! Good you're awake. Don't get out of bed you need you rest." I tell him

"I'm glad that your happy to see me" he says "but I unfortunately have no idea who you are"



(Hey guys! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a long time, that's why this chapter is extra long, but I didn't have any idea of what to write, but don't worry I have ideas now, tell me what you guys think,byeee ! Ps: I need help with the past name of Ira sooo, in the comments I have 5 names, comment which one you like please).

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