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Yoo I totally forgot to put dean in there lol ima fix it tho

BEING A NEW STUDENT at a new school, in a whole different state was not something easy, at least for Justine. But she knew how too fake it until she makes it, but not really being fake because Justine was one of the realest and most blunt person you will ever meet.

And plus it wouldn't be that bad anyway, she had her friends. Julie, Kenny, Dwayne, not so much Dean, and Luis. Well, Luis wasn't really a friend, he was a flirt and most definitely a term that they use in the DMV, a fuckboy. And she doesn't associate with fuckboys, they are a waste of time.

But she will say that he is a decent person when he is not flirting or feeling up on her.

Waking up at five in the morning was not something that Justine liked to do, but in order to have a good future and provide for her little brother, she had to to it.

Looking at her alarm with squinted eyes, she wishes that it would just explode. She laid there for thirty minutes to be exact, just staring, blanket up to her nose, hair wrapped in a bonet.

After thirty minutes, it had stopped. Signing, Justine closed her eyes hoping to get more sleep, five minutes was all she got because before she could actually fall into a deep sleep her room mate Julie burst through the door.

"Come on, come on, up and at em' " Julie then placed her to coffee mugs on the table and turned to look at Justine.

"Come on, let's go, it's your first day be excited" Julie smiled "Go and put on your huchie clothes, we gotta meet the boys at the main entrance, they wanted to walking in together"

Rolling her eyes, Justine flung the blanket to the side and got up heading to there bathroom. Julie castes a wide and bright smile at Justine, clapping which caused Justine to stop midway and turn her head slowly to Julie.

She opened her mouth to say something but decided against it and continued her way to the bathroom.

ONCE out of the the shower, Justine wrapped a towel around her and walked out of the bathroom to her closet. Once there, she decide on wearing dark skinny jeans, and a maroon colored long sleeve crop top. She threw her still wet hair up into a bun, and added some light makeup, and by 'light makeup' she just did her eyebrows, some eyeliner and put on some lashes, before adding chapped stick and lipgloss.

Justine picked up her bag and grabbed her schedule from the table before meeting Julie by the door, where she put on her sandles.

"Alright let's go"

Mighty Ducks |luis mendoza|Where stories live. Discover now