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"Like, I just don't understand! Its only the second week of school and all this homework? For who? cause I aint doing it! Nope"

Justine pull out her earbud and popped her gum. "Julie, hunny, its only fifthteen math problems, you'll pull through". Looking back down at her own paper, she answers another equation of her own. "And besides your like super smart anyway or when you want to be"

"Thanks" Julie smiled happily before for her face contorted into realization. "Hey!"

"Yeah, your welcome, let's just get this done then go to practice"

"Yeah and you can see your boo thang" Julie said with a sly smile

Justine slammed her laptop closed and looked a Julie with a sarcastic smile
"Yes you're right, I can't wait to see Adam"

Julie's smiled dropped as she stared at Justine." You take shit to far Justine" Julie said getting up and grabbing her bag for practice. Justine laughed and did the same.

"Hey you started it"

sorry it's so short ive been home for awhile



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