November - "Nearly Christmas, But Not Yet"

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It's still only November, but the Doctor wants to make a start on the Christmas decorations. Rose, however, is not so keen on the idea...  


It's their first Christmas together in this world. Well, nearly, at any rate. It's still only November, but December is quickly coming around the corner. Already, there are shops donned with Christmas decorations; carol concerts happening around London and children staring at toys in stores being told: "wait and see what Santa brings you". The weather is turning as well. Up North and in Scotland, flurries of snow have fallen from the sky and they say that it's slowly making its way down South. They are predicting a white Christmas for those living in the South of England, but the likelihood is it'll rain.

So while everyone else is getting ready for the festive period to begin, the Doctor can't help but feel the need to join in too. After all, this year, he is sure that there are going to be no bog-eyed aliens trying to take over the planet and he certainly isn't going to be bed-bound in a regeneration coma. This year, things are going to go the way they should and he's the most excited he's ever been.

Rose, on the other hand, while loves Christmas, is not so ready for all the festive cheer as of present.

"Please, Rose!" The Doctor whines, trying to wrap some tinsel around her neck while she washes up her favourite mug.

"I said 'no', Doctor," she tells him. "Not until at least the first of December."

"But why?"

"Because December is Christmas, November is not."

The Doctor sighs sitting down on his chair by the kitchen table and huffing like a child. "There are already people on the estate with their Christmas trees up and you won't even let me put the lights up yet," he mutters.

It's Rose's turn to sigh now. She puts the mug she's holding on the draining board and turns to face him.

"Look, when I was a kid, we never put the Christmas decorations up until Christmas Eve, so you're lucky I'm letting you put them up as early as December first in the first place."

"What's wrong with putting them up early?" He asks, he's genuinely curious.

"If we put the decorations up too early, the magic of Christmas will be lost by the time Christmas Day comes around. That's what I've always believed," she says, picking up his mug and washing it.

"Christmas can never lose its magic!"

"Oh, believe me, when you've worked in a shop all year and you start selling Christmas stuff from October onwards, yes it can."

"But you don't work in a shop any more, you work at Torchwood – even they have their Christmas decorations up!"

It was true, the Torchwood Institute had elected to put their decorations up as soon as possible. The tree had been erected and decorated almost from the moment that Halloween had ended last month. Not everyone had been in agreement, of course, but the point is that that their decorations have been up longer than some shops in the area and certainly longer than the Doctor and Rose's.

"Yes, but we're not at Torchwood now, are we?"

"That's not my point," the Doctor huffs.

"Look, Doctor, I know you're excited – I get that – but, please, can you wait a couple more weeks? It'll fly by, I promise. In the meantime, if you want to do something Christmas related, try and think about what you're going to get mum and dad for Christmas."

The Doctor grimaces. "I have to get your mother a Christmas present?" he asks.


"But what do I get her?"

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