2. 松田 (Matsuda)

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(Y/n) stared at her bedroom ceiling, her eyes red. She'd spent most of the day after coming home, crying. She knew that it was silly to assume he was Kira after seeing that one expression, but she couldn't help it. If Light was Kira, then that meant he killed her father.

She held her face in her hands, sniffling. How could Light do this to her? She had feelings for him for so long. Why did he have to turn out to be Kira? She needed further evidence to prove that he was Kira but how was she supposed to gather it?. . . If Light was Kira, he probably attempted to kill her already. If he saw her out and about, he'd instantly figure out that her name was different.

She kept wondering whether it was actually a good idea to bait Light like that. She let out a big sigh. At times, the female was impulsive, and did things without properly thinking it through. . .

The reason she hid her true name all stemmed back to Kira. After her father was eliminated, people feared that since she was his daughter, Kira would come after her next. So, they advised her to legally change her name. The only people who knew her actual name (the one she was given at birth) were L and Matsuda. They promised her that they'd never reveal her real name, no matter what situation they were in.

A bittersweet smile made its way onto her lips as she thought about the two. They were the only ones she trusted to tell anything to. Anything except her suspicions about Light. She knew very well what L would tell her if she came to him, presenting this small snippet of evidence. He'd turn her away and tell her she needed to build up further evidence before making such a big claim or give reasons as to why she suspected that male in particular.

With a light groan, (Y/n) got up from her bed. She rushed to her bathroom and doused her face with cold water. She had to stay strong! She couldn't let Kira break her so easily. She ran her slender fingers through her (h/l), (h/c) hair as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She greeted her reflection with a grin.

"Nothing will bring me down." She told herself, trying to cheer herself up. She continued to chant those words in her head, like a mantra, as she made her way downstairs. She was surprised to see that Matsuda was finally home. She didn't know how long he'd been in the house. He sat at his laptop, working away as he munched on a sweet bun.

(Y/n) tip-toed into the room he was working in, making sure she wasn't seen or heard. She then plonked her hands onto his shoulders and whispered into his ear. "Matsuda!" (Y/n) giggled before wrapping her arms around him. Matsuda was easy to scare. He shrieked in her hold. He turned to glare at the female and whacked the back of her head lightly.

(Y/n) pouted and rubbed the spot he'd hit. "Hey ~" She whined. 

"Don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Matsuda exclaimed furiously before returning her gentle embrace. (Y/n) grinned mischievously.

"Sorry Matsuda, I just couldn't resist." (Y/n) laughed while Matsuda ruffled her hair. 

"If you want any news on what we're doing so far, unfortunately, I have nothing for you. I was stuck at the task force office all day and I didn't find out anything interesting whatsoever." Matsuda grumbled with a pout. (Y/n) placed her chin on Matsuda's shoulder. "But once I finish this work, we have to head to the hotel immediately to discuss things with L." Matsuda informed, booping (Y/n)'s nose.

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind." (Y/n) murmured. Matsuda's eyes stopped on her face. He stared intently at her. (Y/n) tilted her head.

"Matsu, what's wrong?" She queried. The male put down his sweet bun before clapping his hands onto her cheeks. He pulled her face closer.

"You've been crying, haven't you?" Matsuda asked with a frown on his lips. (Y/n) tensed and immediately shuffled away from him.

"No, I haven't! What makes you think that?" She murmured, her voice wavering. Matsuda rolled his eyes and got up from his chair. He walked over to her and before she could argue any further, he pulled her into another hug, holding her close to his chest.

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