3. あなたの本名 (Your Real Name)

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Light stared out of his window whilst playing with his ballpoint pen. His thoughts went back to the killings. Had he left any traces? Was anything he did too suspicious? Soon his thoughts drifted away and he just stared mindlessly out the window. 

I've never seen you looking so listless, Light. Ryuk commented as he took a glance at Light. Light shut his eyes with a soft sigh.  

"I'm just relaxing. Being Kira can take a lot out of you. All you hear nowadays when you go out is Kira vs. L and stuff like that and it just stresses Kira out." He rubbed his forehead. He got up. "Well if I weren't Kira I guess this kind of stuff would be interesting. . ." He laid himself down on the bed, yawning. 

So, what about Akemi? Light's eyes widened as he remembered about her. He quickly turned on his TV and changed it to the news channel. He watched it for a good ten minutes but nothing about Akemi came up. He'd made sure to make her death very public and gruesome. . .

Then he realised that the police force were probably not publicising deaths so they could keep Kira from knowing whether or not he'd succeeded in eliminating his opponents. They knew now that prisoners weren't the only people on his radar.

He groaned, pressing a hand against his face. Why're you stressing out so much, Light? Surely she would be dead if you wrote her name? Ryuk asked, hovering above Light. Light thought about it for a moment.

"I don't know. . ." Light grunted. He made his way over to his desk and he sat down. He gazed solemnly at the frames that sat upon his desk. They were pictures from the past. Him and Akemi were hugging and smiling together in one of the images. Light picked up a frame and he gazed longingly at it. He really wished he could go back to those times. . .

Akemi was no longer alive. He would never be blessed with her precious smile ever again. The next time he'd probably see her was in a coffin. Awh. . . You regretting writing her name? Ryuk cooed teasingly. Light glared at the God of Death as he slammed the frame down onto his desk, face-first.

"As if. She was a hindrance to me, so I got rid of her. Sure, I did have feelings for her but I can't have people like her trying to stop me. People who don't understand why I'm doing this." Light muttered. His heart was heavy as he thought of her. He wished he'd kissed her the last time they were together. He wondered what it felt like, to kiss her pert, soft lips.

He pressed both of his hands over his face, trying to rid himself of anymore thoughts involving Akemi. She was dead. He had to do it. "Hmm. . . " He mumbled. He reached out for a magazine that he'd left on his bed. He flicked through it and read the article about Kira and L. 

He jolted when a pounding started on his door. He got up as he heard his sister, Sayu. The door's handle moved.

"Light. . . Why's your door locked?" She whined. Light pulled open the door. "Hey Light! I need help!" She chuckled.

(Y/n)'s POV 

(Y/n) played nervously with her hands. She was supposed to be looking at files and for any further clues but she was just too anxious to even get started. She was too busy thinking about what she could do to avoid Light.

She knew that she definitely wasn't going into school tomorrow. She interlocked her fingers tightly, her hands shaking. She was cut from her thoughts by a poke to the head. She looked up to see L's curious black orbs boring into hers. "You're hiding something." He simply stated. 

"Just nervous about exams coming up." She muttered. She forgot that L knew her too well. She never showed up anxious for an exam. She studied as much as she possibly could and gave the exams her all. She never succumbed to the fear of failing, and both L and Matsuda knew that very well. Suddenly, L emitted a low chuckle. 

"Akemi. . . Don't think you can try and trick me. I've seen you when you study for your exams. You work to the best of your ability. You never show fear when the time comes and you always tell me, don't worry. Whatever happens, happens. You are not worried about exams." He placed himself on the sofa in his usual weird position. His eyes were still trained on her. "Akemi. Tell me the real purpose of your anxiety." He ordered. He snatched a sweet from the table in front of them and shoved it into his mouth. 

"Alright. . ." (Y/n) started. "I'm scared about Kira. I've aided you a lot throughout this investigation. What happens if he manages to figure out it's just us working on the case to identify Kira? I don't want to lose the ones who are closest to me to Kira again. I don't want any one of us working here to get heart attacks and die. I don't want any of us ending up how my father did." She whispered. This was some part of the reason for her anxiety but it wasn't the entire reason. She couldn't inform L just yet. She had to dig further and gather more evidence.

L placed a flat palm on top of (Y/n)'s trembling fingers. "Akemi. Kira will not figure out who's working on the Kira case. I have made all the precautions to ensure our names will never be discovered. Even if he were to ever find out that you're working with us, he wouldn't know your real name and he never will. The only people who know your real name are Matsuda and I, and we'll protect it with our very lives. . ." He muttered monotonously. 

(Y/n) was lost for words. She didn't know what to say. L didn't usually comfort her like this. He was much more harsh. She wondered why he was speaking so gently today. She pondered on what she could say in return. Before she could even express her gratitude, he got up. He smiled at her. He grabbed a (favourite snack) and shoved it in her mouth.

"Don't look so gloomy. You look much better when you smile." L showed her his own crooked smile, using his fingers to keep the corners of his mouth up. (Y/n) giggled softly.

"That's not a smile, that's a grimace." (Y/n) realised that L was trying to make her feel better. She was glad someone like him was on the task force. L dropped his hands from his lips.

"Now, get to work. Immediately. We don't have time to spare." With that, L left her be. He went back to the others. (Y/n) found some relief in L's words and she relaxed into the sofa. 

"Kira will never know who I really am. . ." She whispered determinedly to herself before stretching, preparing herself for the long night ahead.

✶ Published on 30/10/2017 and Edited on 24/06/2021 

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