Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I heard curtains open and I felt a stream of sunlight fall on me, I groan and pulled the covers over me. I heard his warm heart felt chuckle and felt the bed go down, he lifted the cover and kissed my stomach.

"Good morning." He said kissing me on the lips pulling the cover off us, I groaned and threw a pillow on top of my face.

"It's like nine in the morning, why are you up so early?" I said closing my eyes waiting for sleep to take over my body.

"I was finishing up unpacking everything in the kitchen, and we have a doctors appointment at ten thirty." He said lifting the pillow off my face; a frown came on my face as I felt my stomach grumble.

"It's time to feed the pregnant woman." He said flashing his smile before picking me up walking to the bathroom. He set me on my feet, and grabbed my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it, and held the toothbrush in front of my mouth waiting for me to open. I shook my head smiling and opened my mouth and he started brushing me teeth.

"Show me those pearly whites." He said placing his finger on my chin lifting my head up, I looked at his face at how concentrated he was which made me giggle. He looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" He said taking the toothbrush away, and handed me a cup of water to rinse out my mouth. I spit the toothpaste out and wiped my mouth.

"You were really concentrated." I said washing my face and drying it. I look up at him and see him smiling at me.

"What?" I said.

"Picture time." He said grabbing his phone, I shook my head and smiled and lifted my shirt and facing to the side. He snapped the picture and a smile came to his face.

"8 more months to go." He said picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the kitchen, he set me down on the bar stool as he started cooking up breakfast. I smiled to myself as I watched my soon to be husband hurry around the kitchen cooking up some cream of wheat, and cutting up fruit. A few minutes later he sets a plate full of fruit and a bowl of cream of wheat in front me. I smiled at him and said " Thank you." He kissed my forehead and sat next to me and dug into his food.

"Have you thought of a date?" he said after awhile, I continued chewing my fruit and looked at him.

" I haven't actually, I want to get married before I start showing though." I said spinning my spoon around the bowl, he nodded at me and said, " You'll look beautiful no matter what." I rolled my eyes and started laughing.

"We could just get married next month." I said jokingly shaking my head.

"That's a good idea." He said looking at me smiling, and I looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"You think so?" I said laughing, and he nodded.

"We don't want a big wedding, we can have it on the beach and do a ceremony in big white tent." I said actually thinking further into this.

"Exactly, but you should go get dress, while I clean up." He said nodding his head at the clock on the wall, I nodded and walked towards our room.

I jumped in the shower and quickly washed my hair and got out. I slipped on my towel and blow dried my hair, and left it wavy. I put on a little makeup and slipped on a light pink sleeveless blouse and white shorts and slipped on my sandals. I sprayed a little perfume on and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I see Daniel sitting on the couch in our living room, he looked up when he saw me and smiled.

He turned the TV off and walked up to me kissing me, " Do you ever not look pretty?" He said pulling me into a hug. I rolled my eyes and started laughing, "Come on lover boy." I said pulling his hand we walked into the garage and got into his car. He slipped on his shades and backed out and we drove to the doctor's office.

We sat in the doctor's office waiting for her to come in; I lay on the table with my hands on stomach looking up at the wall.

"What are you thinking about?" Daniel said I looked over at him and sees him staring at me.

"Just life." I said smiling at him, a smile came on his face and he said, " I love you."

A knock came on the door and Dr.Williams came in, " Hey how are you guys doing?" She said coming in with a big smile on her face, we both said we are doing well and she washed her hands and slipped on some gloves.

"How are you eating?" She said looking at me, and I gave her a smile "It's doing good." I said and she laughed and looked at Daniel, " How is she eating?" And he laughed and said " She's starting to eat more now I'm watching her very closely." I laughed and stuck my tongue at me and he gave me a smile.

"Well I'm going to prescribe you some more vitamins and I want you to start drinking water more often okay?" She said slipping up my shirt and putting the cold gel on my stomach. She rolled the probe over my stomach and a small heartbeat filled the room. I felt tears started brimming in my eyes, and I felt Daniel's hand squeezed my hand. She turned the screen towards us, and the tears started going down my face.

'There's your baby, all healthy and happy." She said giving me a smile, squeezing my other hand. "I'm going to print off some copies for you guys, and Sally is going to come and get you guys checked out okay, If you have any questions just give me a call. You guys have a great day." She said signing the prescription for me and handing me the prescription and the two pictures.

Our little one. Our baby.

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