Please stop yelling

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Everything is my fault, you do no wrong. I cook i clean i try to love you with all my heart but you never try to do anything that would make me smile. You talk to me like im a child needing to be scolded and not your equal.

Then the lying. cigarettes, something that is a touchy subject to me. You lie to me and make out like you have quit then ask me if you can have a cigarette?? Then go on to tell me that you've already had 2 while you were drinking another thing i dont like you doing since you touched my friend and had no recollection of doing so. Which broke my heart i felt betrayed and absolutely torn in half. But how did you think  asking me if you can have a cigarette would turn out? When i had expressed so many times how many people had lied to me about quitting smoking and i asked you if you were gonna be like them and you told me you wouldnt. And then when i got upset you just yelled at me. When i shut down you just yell at me more.

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