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God just gave me inspiration so I've decided to write.

There are a lot of things we aren't sure of; I'd love to hear what confuses you guys but one major thing for me was knowing whether or not the voice I was hearing - or the voice I hear- was God's voice, and also, my trials.

I think last two years or so, I started something called an R.M.B, meaning 'Remember'. Technically, my R.M.B is to teach me that if God could save me from a situation, if he could help me through a trial once, he could do it again. It's my own personal reminder.

Lately, I've been doubting whether or not God is with me and even though I remember the word that tells me, 'He'll never leave me nor forsake me,' I still feel lonely.

It's hard to realise but there's always a choice. People choose to win or lose, to beat or be beaten, to forgive or keep a grudge and most importantly, to love or hate.

Hope is like a lit candle, any wind could blow it out at anytime but the difference is that we can choose for our hope to flicker out or we can choose to let it stay lit despite the wind.

I painted a picture that illustrated what I felt hope was. It was a girl in a canoe, asleep or unconscious, there was a mist around her and she was in the middle of nowhere but there was a lantern lit and it still showed life. The painting simply said: perharps one day, the mist will clear.
What if it doesn't? But what if it does.

God's always with us, He's our anchor who loves us and that gives us hope that soon enough, (hopefully very very soon) we'll get to see him but even if it's not so soon, God's still with us. What good is heaven if he's not there? No use.

This passage gives me hope and I hope it'll do the same for you: Philippians 2
'Our life in Christ makes us strong, and his love comforts us...'

May His love comfort you too. It is at our weakest that he is made strong in us.

We have hope, he is Christ ☺

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