Talking To\With God

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Hey guys!
Wow, 105 reads!! That's a lot in such short time, I don't think it's even up to a month, I'm really really grateful and I hope what you're reading is actually helping you. If its not then find something that will.

Ok. Now firstly, I'd like to say, I don't really know where this book will end or if it will because there's so much to learn, some of which is truly personal and can't be taught by anyone but God and also, what can be taught is so much. I think it's not really important going through every single chapter, its best to settle for those that help you grow.

So, I'll start with talking to God.
Talking to God is like talking to an average person because believe it or not, even though God is almighty and all powerful, he doesn't take it like human beings would, he is humble. It's strange but it's true.
But I have one problem with talking to God, though; how can you talk to some one who doesn't reply?

I believe God does.

God isn't a myth, he's an actual person and the bible tells us that God has sent his spirit to teach us. God does reply even though many of us don't believe enough to accept it and because you don't have faith, it won't be true for you but it doesn't mean it's not true.

Romans 5: Now that we've been put right with God through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. He's brought us by Faith into this experience of God's Grace in which we now live.

Everything we are is through faith, we're not looking for and explanation or proof but we've chosen to believe regardless of the opposition and conflict and persecution, that's faith.

The whole idea of Christ (who is God) dying for our sins is to enable us to have a relationship with God. The dictionary meaning of a relationship is: the way two or more people or things are connected. Jesus is that bridge that we cross to get to God, without him, we're already condemned.

When we talk to God, we shouldn't let ourselves believe that we're talking to the sky or the wall, for those who have Christ, he lives in your heart.

B.R:Surely you know you are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you.
1 Corinthians 3:16

It's from your heart everything starts to change. If bad is in your heart, bad will come out and everyone has bad motives and intentions in their heart, that's where God comes in.

I love a quote from C.S Lewis, it says, 'God doesn't love you because you're good but he'll make you good because he loves you.'

So it's good when you know you're a sinner and you need help, after all, the doctor can't help someone that's well, now can he? There's nothing wrong after all. But as a Christian, like I said before in the previous chapter, our salvation is a process so we have to be able to tell our doctor what's wrong and listen to his prescriptions. What's the point going to the doctor if all he does is look at you and say nothing after your complaints? It doesn't make sense to me.

About talking with God, that's how a relationship is formed, its not one way but it's a two relationship. I think the most beautiful thing about God is how he can never truly be fully understood; in other words, you can't put God in a box- you can't limit him.

It's amazing how we have seasoned our minds to believe God can only speak through particular ways, like reading your bible for instance. Now, I'm not saying God doesn't speak through his word that was written down for us but I'm saying you shouldn't box him and believe that's the only possible way.

What if he wanted to have a normal conversation with you? I'm sure you'd conclude you've gone made. Lol, why? Because you've put him in a box.

God does talk. If you can talk, why can't he? He gave you the ability so He has it also.

He talks to people in anyway he sees fit. He can decide to speak to you through the bible, he can decide to speak to another person through dreams or visions and he can decide to speak to me through a normal conversation and as a matter of fact, he does speak to me that way.

Once, I got really conflicted because I didn't think it was possible then he told me something, he said 'the spirit of God speaks the word of God.'

That simply means, in any way God speaks to you, it has to match his sure word which is the bible. God can't be false to himself, he can't contradict himself. He's given each person a gift and once you discover yours, don't disbelieve it is real or possible, instead use the gift he's give you to build up the body of Christ!

The bible says: without faith, it is impossible to please God, those who come to him must believe that he is and that he rewards those who diligently seek him.

So in conclusion, we should recognise the spirit of God in us and know he's not the wind but he's like a person with feelings and most importantly, a voice...Lol...a voice to teach us what is right and wrong.

But please, if God is quiet it doesn't mean he's left you, no one likes talking all the time and when it does feel like he's left you, remember his promise that he'll never leave you nor forsake you, he'll be with you from now even till the end of the age(Matt 28:20)

There's nothing that can separate you from the love of God that is ours through christ Jesus , not through ourselves! God makes you good, not you!

Who then can seperate us from the love of Christ?
Can trouble do it, or hardship or percecution or hunger or poverty or danger or death?

As the scripture says, "For your sake, we are in danger of death at all times, we are treated like sheep that are going to be slaughtered,"
No, in all things we have complete victory through him who loved us! For I am certain that nothing can seperate us from his love; neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below- there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to seperate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus, our Lord.

       Romans 9: 35-39.

You can't seperate yourself from his love, you can only seperate yourself from him. And don't do that, its torture for both sides and if you want to get closer to him, here's some encouragement- a guarantee;
James 4: 8
Come near to God and he will come near to you...

God promised he'll always be with you, whether or not you feel it, its your faith that binds you to him, don't give up.

Hebrews 10: 39: we're not people who turn back and are lost. Instead we have faith and are saved.

Regardless of what you're going through, God has promised you he will never leave you.

May the Lord cure your disbelief and teach you what pleases him in Jesus name...Amen

Read your bible. And sorry, this is so long, my bad 😅😊
God loves you, don't forget.

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