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God once told me; 'never again will I chastise myself for making a mistake, if there were no mistakes, there would be no room for the father to teach."

2017 is all in the past, both your mistakes and the mistakes of others shouldn't bind you to a spot you can't move. Forgiveness is difficult, no one deserves it, but Christ forgives us so we must try to be like him.

It's good to make a mistake and even more beautiful when you know you're wrong. Know that in every mistake, Christ will keep on teaching you and moulding you into the remarkable person whose light can never be put out because he does love you, regardless of what you've done or will do.

People hurt you because they're lost and you hurt yourself for the same reason but Christ is finding us all, we're the same but he still loves us. We must put others above ourselves and love them. Try out this verse, I hope it helps you; Philipians 2:1.

Smile always and God bless you. Happy New year people God loves so much! May His love teach you to stay on the straight and narrow path that leads you to life and may you learn to love even the worst people because Christ loves you; in Jesus name.

Amen. ❤❤❤

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