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After school, Irene saw Seulgi standing at the school gate on her phone when she was walking to the school gate.

"Seriously, what the hell do you want? I will make you pay if you hurt them!" Seulgi shouted into the phone, her other hand clenched into a fist.

After she spoke into the phone, Seulgi's angry expression turned into shock.
She held her phone in her hand and stood rooted to the ground.

'What happened? Who was she talking to?' Irene thought to herself. She was about go over to Seulgi to ask her if she was alright when the latter suddenly laughed.

"HAHAHAHA. She almost got me." Seulgi said to herself.
'What just happened?' Irene thought as she looked at Seulgi who was now laughing.

Irene decided to just leave. 'Why do i care?' She thought and walked pass Seulgi but she was stopped by a voice. "Hey, you."

Irene turned around to see Seulgi looking at her. "What is it?" Irene asked.
"I believe you have something that belongs to me." Seulgi said.


"That bracelet with with a letter 'K'. It's not yours, is it?"

'How does she know?' Irene asked herself.

"You're right. So what if that isn't mine. It's not yours anyway."Irene replied.

"It is mine." Seulgi emphasised on the word 'is' and stretched her hand towards Irene. "Return me."

"What? That's not yours! I've met the owner." Irene said, refusing to give Seulgi the bracelet.

'Oh my god. That's me who saved you, you beautiful stupid.' Seulgi thought to herself. 'Wait. Did i just call her beautiful? What's wrong with you Kang Seulgi?'

"No, that person isn't the owner. Someone snatched my bracelet. That person is a robber." Seulgi told Irene.

"A robber?" Irene said. 'That can't be. Why would a robber save a person?' Irene thought. 'But what she said kind of make sense. Why would a normal person wear a cap and a mask?'

"But still, how do i know if you're speaking the truth?" Irene asked Seulgi.

"Because that is a customised bracelet. Someone gave this to me as a present. It's important to me. Give me that." Seulgi said.

'Ah-ha! Here comes my chance to get rid of him.' Irene thought.

"I will give it to you but, you have to come with me for today." Irene told Seulgi.

"What?! Who do you think you are?" Seulgi said.
"And who do you think you are?" Irene retorted.
"How dare you. I'm-"Seulgi stopped her sentence. She doesn't want Irene to know that she save her.

"You're what?"
"I'm...i'm rich!" Seulgi exclaimed.
"What a spoiled brat." Irene scoffed. "So what if you're rich? If you want your bracelet back, you have to come with me."

"No way." Seulgi said.
"Then bye." Irene turned around and walked away.

"Wait! Fine." Hearing Seulgi's reply, Irene immediately ran towards Seulgi and hooked her arm around the latter.

Seulgi didn't know what was wrong with her as she didn't push Irene away and even felt her heart beating faster at her touch.


Irene brought Seulgi to her house and as expected she had expected, the guy was standing outside her house.

"Joohyun!" His face lit up when he saw her and ran towards her.

"Who's that?" Seulgi asked Irene. She felt angry suddenly and she didn't know if it's because of that guy smiling at Irene or because Irene was wasting her time bringing her to god knows where.

"It's Bogum, the guy i've been trying to get rid of. He wouldn't give up and always show up at my house even though i already told him that i didn't like him."

'Bogum? Could he be that Bogum?' Seulgi smirked. 'This is going to be fun.' She thought.

"So what do you want me to do?" Seulgi asked Irene.
"Just pretend to be my girlfriend. I think that should be enough." Irene said.

"No, that's not enough. So, he likes you right?" Irene nodded her head.
"Why is-" Irene's question was cut off when Seulgi's lips landed on hers.

Before Irene could kiss her back, Seulgi removed her lips from Irene's. "Hey Bogum, it's been a long time." Seulgi said.

Bogum stared at Seulgi while stuttering, "T-that c-can't be real."
"Of course it's real." Seulgi punched Bogum in the face. "See? I just punched you."

Irene dragged Seulgi away from Bogum and whispered, "Yah! I know i told you to make him give up. But you don't have to hit him!"

"Joohyun, why are you with her?" Bogum asked Irene.
Seulgi smirked before turning around.
She slid her arm around Irene's waist and pulled Irene to her side. "What do you mean by 'why'? I'm her girlfriend, of course she's with me."

"Is that true, Joohyun?" Bogum asked Irene. She nodded her head.

"Come on, babe. Let's go now." Seulgi told Irene and interlocked their hands, causing Irene's heart to beat rapidly.

"No! I can't let you have Joohyun!" He pulled Irene away from Seulgi, making Seulgi remember what happened in the past.

She immediately punched Bogum in the face, causing him to fall, before kicking him in the stomach.

"Are you trying to take her away from me like what you did three years ago?! It won't happen again." Seulgi exclaimed before grabbing Irene and went into Irene's house.

[A/N] Hmm.....what happened three years ago?

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