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They broke the kiss immediately as they were startled by the sudden ringing of the phone.

Seulgi reluctantly stepped away to answer the call.

"Appa, why did you call me?" Seulgi asked.

"I want you to come back now." Mr Kang replied sternly.


"Back. Now." He commanded Seulgi and ended the call before she could speak.

Seulgi let out a sigh and turned to Irene. "I have to go. Bye." She walked out, leaving the blushing bunny still leaning against the wall.


Seulgi went straight to her father's room when she arrived at her house.

The moment she stepped into the room, a man hit Seulgi on the back of her head, making her conscious.

And before she knew it, she had woke up in an enclosed room, tied to a chair with her mouth taped.

She looked around the room, searching for ways to escape.

There was nothing except for a security camera at the corner of the room and the empty table that was right in front of her.

'Could it be Mr Son again? Didn't my father kill him?' Seulgi thought as she scanned the room.

"I know what you're trying to do. Don't even think about it." A voice spoke through the speaker.

Seulgi froze, not because she was shocked, but rather because she recognised the owner of the voice.

"Mmmm!!! Mmmm!" Seulgi tried to speak but the words that came out were incomprehensible.

As if on cue, the metal door clanked open, revealing a well-dressed man in his thirties holding a briefcase with a bodyguard right behind him.

Seulgi recognised him. He was her father's lawyer.

The lawyer waved his hand, gesturing the bodyguard to remove the tape that was over Seulgi's mouth.

"Why are you here Mr Byun?"

The lawyer looked down before speaking. "I've got some papers for you to sign on." Mr Byun said, placing his briefcase on the table beside Seulgi before taking out a set of papers.

"Where's my father?"

Seulgi glanced at the papers that was laid before her.

"You'll know as soon as you sign this paper." Mr Byun pointed to the line at the bottom of the page.

"Ah, how careless of me." He said before taking out a pen and placing it beside the papers.

Seulgi read the papers carefully.
"What?! You want me to give up on my inheritance?! No way!"

"Sign or you'll regret it." The bodyguard spoke, taking a step closer towards Seulgi.

Mr Byun lifted his arm. "It's alright. I can handle this."

"Just tell me where my father is and why you are doing this."

"You talk too much." Mr Byun waved his hand again and the bodyguard placed the tape over Seulgi's mouth.

"Mmmm!! Mmm mm mmmm!!!"

The lawyer ignored Seulgi and glanced at his watch.

"We don't have much time. Just use her fingerprints." The lawyer told the man while passing the latter a red ink pad.

The bodyguard pried Seulgi's thumb from her clenched fist forcefully and placed it on the ink pad before pressing it on the papers.

"Perfect!" The lawyer said contentedly after looking at the clear red print on the paper. "Let's go."

"And by the way, I no longer work for your father." He said and left.

An hour ago......

"I told you to check on that girl Seulgi's been together with. What have you got?" Mr Kang asked his secretary.

"Her full name is Bae Joohyun but she goes by the name Irene. She lives with her birth mother, Kim Taeyeon, and..."

"And?" Mr Kang asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And...Ms Tiffany." Secretary Kim lowered his head.

"I'm extremely sorry Mr Kang. I shouldn't have assumed that she had drowned in the river. Please give me another chance to correct my mistakes."

Mr Kang took a sip of whisky his cup and placed it back on his table. The amber liquid slid down his throat, making him let out a sigh.

"If you let her get away again," He pointed to the deer head taxidermy hanging on the wall, "It will be your head next. Now get going."

"Yes Sir." The secretary bowed to him before scurrying away.

Mr Kang took out his phone and called Seulgi.

"Appa, why did you call me?" Seulgi asked when she picked up the phone.

"I want you to come back now." Mr Kang replied sternly.


"Back. Now." He commanded Seulgi and ended the call before she could speak.

Knock knock

Yeri entered his room.

"Yerim, i'm busy right now."

"What is this?!" Yeri threw a set of papers to Mr Kang's table.

"You read my will?!" Mr Kang took the papers, standing up from his seat in surprise.

"You left all your properties to Seulgi?!" Yeri questioned him.

"What about me? I'm your daughter too!" She exclaimed.

"Yerim, let me explain-"

"You don't have to. I know you never treated me as your family because i'm your illegitimate daughter!" Yeri exclaimed and started sobbing.

"No one loves me...Not even Joy..."

Mr Kang sighed. "It's not what you think, Yerim-ah."

"So you think i'm a nuisance now?" Yeri scoffed. "I'm going to kill all of you and get back what i deserve to have!" Yeri exclaimed and stormed out of her father's room.

Joy, who had witnessed the whole incident, ran back up the stairs as soon as Yeri left.

'What the fuck happened?! Yeri is Seulgi's half-sister?! What did she mean by not even Joy. Does that mean that Yeri already knew about Sungjae and me?!'

A million thoughts raced through Joy's mind as she paced up and down Yeri's room.

15 minutes ago they were in this room watching a movie until a helper came in to pass Yeri a document that was meant for her.

And now, everything went downhill.


[A/N] Hey readers, i'm very sorry about the late update. I was really really busy with my school work.

I didn't proofread so please pardon me for any mistakes.

I hope you guys like this chapter :)



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