In vino veritas

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Lately, Ringo felt kind of overwhelmed.

Sometimes things became too much, even for someone like him. He hated feeling this way, obviously. He had to keep his blood cold and attention span high.
Easy getting in a relationship with an American football player seemed to be a great opportunity to finally get rid of him, but there was something about it that made him feel restless. It was probably due the fact that he didn't really hate Easy. Actually, he had to admit he enjoyed, even if slightly, his company. Easy had a good heart and a nice personality and spending time with him had been less terrible than he thought.
So now he almost missed him. Almost.
Truth was, while Easy was all lovey-dovey with Hauke and everyone was minding their own business, Ringo felt quite lonely.
Which, considered that to him people were either means to get what he wanted or simply an annoyance, was unacceptable.
Ringo was aware to be an asshole, but he was also aware to not be immune from feelings. Loneliness was a persistent sensation, for telling one.
It made him desire things like having friends and relationships, and none of them was worth his time and energy. Having an unrequited crush on Valentin had taught him a lesson.
He decided he needed a distraction - maybe some good, noncommittal sex. With a man, preferably. Not because he found men to be better sexual partners - he just needed attentions.
Because of some stupid rules, when it came to women he was the one who had to offer them drinks and make the first move. He was the one who had to give attentions and wasn't really feeling it at the moment. In that case, nothing was better than a gay club.

He arrived at the club when it was already kind of late. The place was full of people and the music was loud.
Ringo sat at the bar counter and ordered a drink. It didn't take too much before a guy tried to hit on him - a blond, tall, and handsome guy. Definitely his type.
"Hey! Are you alone?", the stranger asked.
Ringo smiled at him and was about to answer, but suddenly in his field of view a familiar figure appeared. Easy Winter.
He was holding a beer and walking around - staggering, actually.
Ringo ordered himself to ignore him, but his whole body felt attracted in Easy's direction like there was some weird magnetic force.
Why was he here? And why was he apparently alone?
"Ehm..." the other guy cleared his throat to attire his attention, because he noticed Ringo was staring at Easy with insistence.
The young Beckmann completely ignored him and stood up, walking away.
"Easy?" he called him when he was close enough to be heard.
Easy turned his head in his direction and looked at him with wide open eyes, obviously surprised to see him.
"Ringo? What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here? Where is your boyfriend?"
Ringo's tone of voice was obviously quizzical and he was smirking as usual.
Easy lowered his eyes and released a sigh. "He's... I don't know, I'm alone"
Ringo stared at him with circumspection and noticed Easy's cheeks were red and his eyes watery.
"Um, did you two have a fight or something? Since you clearly came here to get drunk..."
"It's none of your business" Easy asserted, maybe more roughly than he intended to.
Ringo was the last person he wanted to see that night. Lately, there was a weird tension between them and he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with him around. Easy was trying his best to avoid him - which was the only thing to do, since they kept fighting every time they met. It wasn't the only reason, thought.
Seeing Ringo made his chest feel warm and his stomach hurt.
Things with Hauke weren't going too well and Easy didn't know if he was angrier with him for his paranoid behaviors or with himself for still having a crush on Ringo.
"No need to be this hostile" said Ringo, "I was just worried"
Easy rolled his eyes. "Sure"
Ringo shrugged, still staring at him with his annoying grin. "Well, since you don't seem to be very friendly, I'm going away"
Easy was drunk. Like, very drunk.
It was probably the reason why there was a voice in his head yelling at him to not let Ringo go. He really wanted to talk with Ringo like they did before that blond asshole suddenly decided Easy wasn't worth his time anymore.
"Stay" he said - begged, almost.
Ringo raised his eyebrows, looking at him in surprise.
"Let me offer you something to drink" continued Easy, "uh, guys keep hitting on me, so if you stayed with me... you know..."
"Well, obviously. We're in a gay club" said Ringo, giggling. "But if you insist"

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