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Pls if your reading this, vote on this, makes me feel good.

I stormed out of Jefferson's room calmly but the thought of seeing John made my ears start to ring in rage.
"John?!" I called out, breathing deeply while trying to manage my rebuilding anger.

"Yeah Alex?" Came an almost nervous whisper from another bedroom. I stood in the living area as John slowly came out of his room. His curls bounced on his shoulders as he walked towards me, his eyes trained on the ground.

"Alex, I'm truly sorry. I should've told you about Thomas."

"Yeah, damn right." I snarled and John's face twisted with anger at the tone of my voice.

"Alex give him a chance!" He shouted, those hazel eyes burning into my darker ones.  I scowled.

"He's a complete jackass! He's been a jackass his whole life! Why can't you understand that?" I was shocked, why was John defending the man who had tormented me my whole life.

"He's changed! Give him a chance." John pleaded, the anger fading quickly from his eyes and unreadable emotions flickered in his eyes. I laughed dryly.

"Do you know what he's called me? All the shit he's said about my family? About my mother?!" John broke the intense eye contact as he stared at his feet.   I continued, unloading all of my built up anger onto the South Carolinian.

"And do you know what his gang did to me? Of course not, I never said anything because you never asked. But maybe you could've helped me! Supported me for once! Some best friend you are!" I hissed.  I instantly regretted the harsh words as John covered his mouth with tears brimming in his eyes. He slowly nodded, he didn't look at me but I could tell my words hit him hard.

"I-" he stopped and a single tear ran down his face. Then he looked up at me and my heart cracked. What have I done? He stared at me for a second before brushing past me into Thomas's room, slamming the door behind him.

I stared at the oak door in shock. I think I've messed up. I sighed, stunned, and went towards the front door to where my bags were still littered about. I picked them up with a grunt and hauled them to the remaining open bedroom.  In the small dorm there was a main living space, a small kitchen in the corner, four bedrooms and a single bathroom.  I glanced at the other open bedroom, the door was shut, but the final roommate clearly hadn't arrived yet. 

I could faintly hear John wailing and cursing from Thomas's room. Damn this was gonna be a long year.

(Ugh this was a short chapter...
433 words btw, also like favorite this so I feel like a better person in general.
Gonna have some John and Thomas friendship in the next one, starting on that Jamilton but mixing in some Jeffmads #sorrynotsorry)

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