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liked by jaysel, biebersworld, and 392 others

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liked by jaysel, biebersworld, and 392 others

dailybieberupdates: justin cancelled the next two shows of the purpose tour and was seen at the airport flying out to LA.

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biebersworld: why 😩😩😩

jaysel: I hope he feels better 😕 There must be a good reason for him to cancel them.

bieberfever2992: can't believe this. it was my show and I was so excited! 😭😭😭😭

hazzastyles2881: what a little bitch, he can't even do a proper tour 😂

kidraauhl: @hazzastyles2881 first off who the fuck asked for ur opinion. if you don't like him don't stay lurking on a BIEBER update account. Harrys fans really piss me off 🙄

selsgem: 😕😕😕

jelenaa: he looks really tired. he deserves a break☹️☹️☹️

stylesweetcreature: @kidraauhl not all of us are like that...

hazzastyles2881: @kidraauhl i wasn't lurking, all you bieber fans always pop up in my explore feed so back off I'm free to express my opinion 🙄🙄🙄

4 hours ago

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